30-second ad May 2004.


Female Announcer: What should America's priorities be?

Bush (clips from Jan. 14, 2004 speech): Today I announce a new plan to explore space...

Woman: We need jobs...

Woman 2: Health care...

Bush: ...human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond...

Man: We've got to protect Medicare...

Bush: ...we may discover resources on the moon or Mars...

Man 2: Help kids go to college...

Bush: ...that will boggle the imagination...

Woman 3: A 100 billion dollars to send a man to Mars?

Bush: Human beings are headed into the cosmos...

Woman 2: His priorities are in the wrong place.

Announcer: Tell President Bush our priorities are a lot closer to home.


Notes and Observations:  Short clips of Bush announcing grand plans for space exploration alternate with statements from ordinary folks about their daily concerns creating a rhythm that helps make this a very effective ad.