Bush-Cheney '04, Inc.

60-second ad run starting March 4, 2004 on national cable television and selected local affiliates.

Maverick Media


[Music] President Bush (voiceover and to camera): One of the things that must never change is the entrepreneurial spirit of America.  This country needs a President who clearly sees that. 

Laura Bush: The strength, the focus, the characteristics that these times demand. 

President Bush: And as the economy grows, the job base grows and somebody who's looking for work will be more likely to find a job.  I know exactly where I want to lead this country; I know what we need to do to make the world more free and more peaceful.  I know what we need to do to make sure every person has a chance at realizing the American dream.  I know what we need to do to continue economic growth so people can find work, to raise the standards at schools so children can learn, to fulfill the promise to America's seniors.  Americans are hard working, decent, generous people.  I'm optimistic about America because I believe in the people of America. 

President Bush: I'm President Bush and I approve of this message. 


On the Screen: Opens on a wide shot through the front window of Cozy Corner diner early in the morning.  Footage of President Bush, with First Lady Laura Bush at his side, talking to the camera is interspersed through more scenes of people at work and home.  Closes with slowed motion scene of Bush walking the White House colonnade.  "President Bush: Steady Leadership in Times of Change" 

1. Wide shot through the front window of a diner, dark, then lights on.  2. Closer shot of the waitress.  3. Bush talking to the camera, First Lady Laura Bush at his side.  4. Clip of Bush talking on the phone.  5. Bush looking away from the camera opens a portfolio; the presidential seal on the cover flashes briefly.  6. Bush and Laura Bush, Laura talking to the camera.  7. Businessman  in a busy setting looking at his cell phone.  8. Woman talking across counter to unseen person.  9. Construction workers with boards.  10. Man working on a pipe, sparks flying.  11. Bush talking to the camera, Laura Bush at his side.  12. Worker pulling on a rope.  13. Woman soldier in camouflage uniform talking to (her?) young child.  14. Businessmen walking.  15. Woman in office on the phone.  16. Family--man, woman, daughter and son--posing in back of minivan.  17.  Bush talking to the camera, Laura Bush at his side.  18.  Teacher in classroom points.  19. Boy raising hand answers.  20. Two African American women, a senior and a younger woman, perhaps her daughter laughing.    21, 22, 23.  A family at the dinner table.  24.  Bush talking to the camera, Laura Bush at his side; in small print www.georgewbush.com.  25. Slowed motion clip of Bush walking the White House colonnade; add disclaimer.  26."President Bush: Steady Leadership in Times of Change"  and disclaimer in white text on blue background.

Notes and Observations:  The opening imagery of this first ad is interesting.   The scene is the Cozy Corner diner; it's dark but the open sign is on.  Then the lights go on.  Next there is a closer shot and the viewer sees the waitress or manager getting ready to start the day.  Symbolically one can see this as signifying the start of the ad campaign.  In tandem with President Bush's voiceover, where he is talking about the entrepreneurial spirit, the scene is perhaps intended to suggest that Bush is thinking about and in tune with people working hard to get ahead.  Indeed, much of the ad consists of scenes of people at work with Bush voiceover.  At a time of considerable concern over the economy and jobs it makes sense to address the issue, but this is a big picture ad; there are no specific policy prescriptions.  A fundamental message is summed up by Bush's statement, "I know exactly where I want to lead this country" and by the tag line "Steady Leadership in Times of Change."  First Lady Laura Bush's prominent role in the ad is also noteworthy.