Bush-Cheney '04, Inc.

30-second ad May 13, 2004 in AZ, FL, NV, NM. 


Una mejor educación requiere de mas responsabilidad.

Eso, precisamente, nos ha hecho falta en las escuelas.

Para cambiarlo, el presidente Bush firm las reformas educativas mas importantes en 35 años. 

John Kerry estuvo con Bush. 

Hasta votó por esas reformas.

Ahora, por presión de los sindicatos, cambia de opinión.

El plan de Kerry?  Menos responsabilidad de las escuelas a los padres.

John Kerry.  No tiene palabra.


On the Screen
Notes and Observations: As is typical, the Kerry campaign issued a point by point rebuttal to the Bush ad.  The response began with a statement from Kerry campaign spokesperson Phil Singer:

"This is just another one of George Bush's false and misleading attack ads aimed at obscuring the fact that the President has broken his promise to improve our schools.  The fact is that George Bush has failed to provide school districts with the tools and resources they need to meet the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act so he is engaging in gratuitous political attacks.  As President, John Kerry will succeed where George Bush has failed and make the investments needed to help improve our schools."