Clark for President

30-second TV spot run in NH starting Jan. 19, 2004.

Joe Slade White

Music only; no narration.  A series of text screens alternating with black and white photos.

Text: What counts for our families?

Photo: Clark, wearing suit and tie, smiling at a child.

Text: Wes Clark's Plan: Guarantee every American child health care coverage.

Photo: Clark in a diner behind the counter with the cook.

Text: Wes Clark's Plan: Raise the Minimum Wage to $7 per hour.

Photo: Clark with several mothers holding young children.

Text: Wes Clark's Plan: Tax Reform Plan that puts $1,500 back in the pockets of a typical family.

Photo: Clark interacting with kids.

Text: Wes Clark: Democrat For President
Add Text: A Higher Standard of Leadership

Color clip of Clark with kids.
Wes Clark (voiceover): I'm Wes Clark and I approve this message.


Notes and Observations