Dean for America

First TV ad aired by a presidential campaign in the 2004 cycle.  Dean for America reported it would spend $300,000 to run the 30-second spot in Iowa from June 17-July 2, 2003. 

Trippi, McMahon & Squier..

Howard Dean (to camera): I'm Howard Dean.  It's time for the truth. 

Because the truth is that George Bush's foreign policy isn't making us safer; his tax cuts are ruining our economy and costing us jobs. 

Too many Democrats in Washington are afraid to stand up for what we believe in. 

Well I believe it's time to put our people back to work; to provide health insurance for every American.

It's time for Democrats to be Democrats again. 

That's why I'm running for president.  That's why I approved this message. 

(voiceover): I'm Howard Dean.  It's time to take our country back.

On the screen: Medium wide shot of Dean talking to the camera, with a tractor and red barn like structure in the background.  He is wearing a bluish shirt and no tie.  CG quickly added "Governor Howard Dean: Democrat for President."  Dean takes a step towards the camera.  Camera slowly zooms in.  CG changes to "Governor Howard Dean:"  Dean continues talking to camera; CG off.  Logo fills screen.

Notes and Observations:  Although the tractor and barn might lead one to believe this was shot in Iowa, it was actually shot in Vermont.  Dean's media consultant Steve McMahon observed that, "Iowa is like Vermont without the mountains."  Campaign manager Joe Trippi said one reason the campaign decided to run the ad in Iowa as opposed to NH is that there is a broader field of competitive candidates in Iowa.  The timing is noteworthy--the ad came a couple of weeks before the end of second quarter fundraising period on June 30th and about a week before Dean's official announcement in Burlington.