
Democratic National Committee

"Weapons of Mass Destruction"
:60 second radio ad run starting Sept. 10, 2004  targeting African Americans in seven urban markets-- Columbus and Cleveland, OH; St. Louis and Kansas City, MO; Milwaukee, WI; Detroit, MI; and Philadelphia, PA .


Announcer: George Bush misled the American people into a war in Iraq that is draining billions of our tax dollars.

While our women and men in the armed forces are re-building Iraq, weapons of mass destruction can be found right here at home in Pennsylvania.

Under Mr. Bush, more than seven million African Americans lack health insurance.

In 2004, one in three African American children now lives below the poverty line, twice the national average.

For 20 years, John Kerry has fought for civil rights, economic opportunity and fairness.

That’s why the Congressional Black Caucus honored him in 2002.

And that’s why the NAACP recently gave John Kerry a 100% approval rating. On November 2nd, vote for a change in the White House. Vote John Kerry for President.

Paid for Democratic National Committee, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Democratic National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertisement.

On the screen
Notes and Observations: The CBC Foundation's 34th Annual Legislative Conference was being held in Washington, DC Sept. 8-11, 2004.