Edwards  President, Inc.

30-second ad run in WI starting Feb. 15, 2004. 

Axelrod & Associates

[Music in background] John Edwards: We've lost over a million manufacturing jobs since NAFTA and some of these other trade agreements have passed.  Well, in my mind providing security for America also means securing America's jobs right here at home. [applause] Remember about twenty years ago, America took on this motto 'buy American,' how about 'hire American.'  [applause]  Keeping our jobs right here in this country - where it belongs.  That's what this campaign is about.  You and I can do that together.

John Edwards (voice over): I'm John Edwards and I approve this message.


On the screen: 1. Wide shot of large audience; Edwards can be seen speaking in the right part of the frame.  2. Medium shot of Edwards speaking; backdrop reads "For Real Change"  3. Clip of factory and text "John Edwards OPPOSED NAFTA"  4. Clip of "For Sale or Lease" sign and text "John Edwards OPPOSED NAFTA"  5. Medium shot of Edwards speaking (as in 2).  6. Clip of a group of construction workers walking and text "The Edwards Plan: Protect American Jobs"  7. Clip and text "The Edwards Plan: Protect American Jobs"  8. Clip of a man and woman and text "The Edwards Plan: Protect American Jobs"  9. Wide shot of large audience.  10. Medium shot of Edwards speaking (as in 2).  11. Clip of fork lift operating and text "End tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas"  12. Clip of workers and text "End tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas"  13. Wide shot of large audience (as in 8).  14. Medium shot of Edwards speaking (as in 2).  Add disclaimer.  15. Crowd shot, disclaimer and "John Edwards for President".  16. Edwards hugging person in crowd, disclaimer and "John Edwards for President". 
Notes and Observations