Edwards for President, Inc.

30-second ad run in Iowa and NH starting approx. Sept. 19, 2003.

Axelrod & Associates


John Edwards: America works best when it works for all of us.  But today Washington is not working for you.  Corporations get tax breaks to ship jobs overseas.  Drug companies block cheaper prescriptions.  Millionaires' taxes keep going down while yours go up. 


Because money and lobbyists run our government and they own this White House. 

I'm John Edwards.  I've never taken a dime from PACs or Washington lobbyists, and I never will. 

I approve this message because I want to be your president, not theirs.


On the screen: Medium close up shot of Edwards, wearing white shirt and tie, speaking to the camera.  Behind him are a lot of windows.  There is just one shot; the camera zooms in slowly and slightly.   At the beginning is CG text "Senator John Edwards."  At the end is CG text the disclaimer and "John Edwards for President."
Notes and Observations:  Edwards argues that Washington is not working for ordinary people because "money and lobbyists run our government and they own this White House."  In contrast, he has "never taken a dime from PACs or Washington lobbyists."  The ad has no background music.