New Democrat Network

"Unete" -Cumbia 
:60 radio ad.  


CORO: No te quedes fuera,
No te quedes quieto, 
Unete al movimiento… 

Los que están ahora
Prometieron todo.
Y ora que fallaron
Echan la culpa a otros.
Que los de abajo paguen
pa que los de arriba engorden.
Que hay que ir a la guerra
sólo por sospecha.
Si no tienes seguro
lo sentimos mucho.
CORO: Muévete compadre,
Este es momento, 
Unete al movimiento… 

El sueño de Kennedy
No ha terminado.
El ideal de Carter
Sigue vivo.
La esperanza de Clinton
Es el camino.
Seguimos luchando
Únete demócrata,
Échale optimismo
Es tu oportunidad.

CORO: No te quedes fuera,
No te quedes quieto, 
Unete al movimiento… 
Muévete compadre,
Este es momento, 
Unete al movimiento… 
Pagado por el New Democrat Network


Notes and Observations: According to an NDN May 4, 2004 release this ad was running "in Miami, Tampa and Orlando in a salsa-oriented 'Hip-hop' version and a 'Cumbia' (native South American music) version.  We will be expanding to radio markets in AZ, NV, and NM with a 'Tejano/Ranchero' version in the coming days."

 Don’t be left outside
 Don’t let your voice be silenced  
 Unite with the Movement
 The Democratic Movement

The current Administration …
they promise everything
and now that they are failing
they blame all others.

(ironic phrases)
While the rich get richer the poor get poorer.
And suspicions are enough to go to war…
If you can’t get health insurance - …we feel for you ?!.

 Get up , Move compatriot (friend)
 the moment is here
 Unite with the movement
 the Democratic movement

The dreams of Kennedy, they are not finished.
The ideals of Carter … live on still.
The hope of Clinton … that is our course
let’s continue our fight
Unite with the Democrats
Let optimism ring … its our (your) opportunity

 Don’t be left outside
 Don’t let your voice be silenced  
 Unite with the Movement
 The Democratic Movement

 Get up , Move compatriot (friend)
 the moment is here
 Unite with the movement
 the Democratic movement