Republican National Committee

Web video sent to more than 700,000 Team Leaders May 14, 2004.


[Music] Male Announcer: Every 17 years, cicadas emerge, morph out of their shell, and change their appearance.  The shells they leave behind are the only evidence they were here. 

Like a cicada, Senator Kerry would like to shed his Senate career and morph into a fiscal conservative, a centrist Democrat opposed to taxes, strong on defense... 

But, he leaves his record behind. 

17 years ago [Cicada SFX], Kerry voted to raise taxes by $24 billion dollars.
CHYRON: "Kerry voted to raise taxes by $24 billion"

17 years ago [Cicada SFX], Kerry voted to eliminate Minuteman Missiles.
CHYRON: "Kerry voted to eliminate Minuteman Missiles"

17 years ago [Cicada SFX], Kerry voted for an $800 surtax on Medicare recipients.
CHYRON: "Kerry voted for an $800 surtax on Medicare recipients"

17 years later [Cicada SFX], he is for raising taxes, voted against funding our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and wants to take the prescription drug card away from seniors. 
CHYRON: "He is for raising taxes; Voted against funding our troops; Wants to take the prescription drug card away from seniors"


On the screen
Notes and Observations