Republican National Committee

30-second ad annnounced Oct. 16, 2004.

Male Announcer: John Kerry…

The most liberal man in the Senate.

The most liberal person to ever run for President.

He voted to cut our military….to severely cut our intelligence agencies… he voted for higher taxes 350 times.

And now he wants to be our President.

We live in a dangerous world that requires strong and steady leadership.

John Kerry is a risky choice for America…a risk we cannot take.

The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

On the screen:
Notes and Observations Compare the audio and the text on the screen.  According to the audio, Kerry is "The most liberal man in the Senate.  The most liberal person to ever run for President."  The text meanwhile just labels him as "a very liberal Senator." 

"Risky" has interesting disclaimer image.  While the announcer states, "The Republican National Committee is reponsible..." a clip of a family in their backyard is shown.

The Kerry campaign response to this ad... "One more ad from President Bush's party with insults, distortions and untruths, and not a single idea on how to create jobs or cut the cost of health care," said Kerry campaign spokesman, Chad Clanton.