Aaron Russo for President

:30 second TV spot 


[Music in background] Male Announcer: Are you one of the millions of people that believe America is heading in the wrong direction?

Have you lost faith in government?

Do you think that the two major parties are basically the same?

It's time for a change.

Aaron Russo is the only candidate who will stop the war in Iraq and bring our troops home immediately, stop government overspending, stop FCC censorship of the airwaves, and restor free speech to America and stop the coming military draft for both men and women.

Aaron Russo--all your freedoms, all the time.

Aaron Russo: This is Aaron Russo and I approve this ad.

Aaron Russo for President

:30 second TV spot 


[Music in background] Male Announcer: Do you really have a choice in the upcoming presidential election?

Regarding the war in Iraq, Bush and Kerry both voted yes.

For higher government spending, Bush and Kerry both say yes.

To support the Patriot Act, Bush and Kerry both say yes.

And for medical marijuana, Bush and Kerry both say no.

So do you really have a choice in the upcoming presidential election?


Aaron Russo will stop the war in Iraq, government overspending, FCC censorship and the upcoming military draft.

Aaron Russo: This is Aaron Russo and I approve this ad.


The campaign ran advertising May 23-27, 2004 in Atlanta, GA around the Libertarian National Convention:

May 23, NBC Meet the Press, 10 AM
May 24, NBC News, 6 PM
May 25, NBC News, 6 PM
May 26, ABC News, 5 PM
May 26, FOX News, 5 PM
May 27, FOX News, 5 PM
May 28, ABC News, 5 PM