Amb. Carol Moseley Braun
Closing Statement
National Organization for Women
"Meet the Presidential Candidates Forum"
Arlington, VA
July 11, 2003


Thanks.  This has been a wonderful forum and I'm delighted--I just want to say my candidacy springs from a passionate patriotism and the desire to free our country from the clutches of the extreme right wing that is now in power.

As president I will rebuild America both physically and spiritually.  Our economy will come out of recession when we return to the economic policies of the Clinton era and invest in working people, rebuild our schools, reform health care, and restore our environment.

I'm the only candidate to promote a single payer health insurance system that does not depend on employment and that restores the doctor-patient relationship.  I am the only candidate who has an actual plan to relieve the ever-increasing property tax burden by investing in elementary and secondary education infrastructure, and who will create jobs even in the public sector for every capable American worker.  I am the only one in this field with international experience, and I come from a law enforcement background.  I have a consistent record of support for social justice and advocacy for ordinary people.

I can set a tone for a spiritual renewal that respects the dignity of every single person and that rediscovers the virtues of our Constitution.  That spiritual renewal will come when we protect our liberty as well as our safety with the courage and resolve that pursues peace and prosperity and progress and our right(s?).

Mine is the face of the American Dream.  I have the credentials and the capacity, the experience and the training to lead this great nation in a new direction.  My candidacy does honor to the ancestors who fought for social justice and gives hope to our children who deserve no less liberty, no less opportunity, no less optimism than we inherited from the last generation.  I may not look like any president you have ever seen, but I am here to tell you it's time to take the men only sign off the White House door.  Thank you.

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