National Faith-Based Initiative Coalition

Endorsement Statement

We, the religious leaders of the African-American faith-based community, hereby endorse President George W. Bush for President of the United States of America. The President has advocated on behalf of our interests by establishing centers of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives which address problems of homelessness, substance abuse, welfare-to-work families, ex-offenders, at-risk youth, and just to name a few. We support the President’s faith-based and community initiatives, such as his Compassion Capital Fund, Access to Recovery Program, mentoring of children of prisoners, speaking out against gay marriage and the Charity Aid, Recovery and Empowerment Act, which overwhelmingly passed both the House and the Senate.

We believe that the President’s initiatives represent a new approach to the government’s role in helping those in need. The Administration under President Bush has helped to remove the bureaucratic red tape which has impeded funding for much needed programs, while continuing to recognize the Constitutional separation of Church and State.

The President has consistently reached out to our communities to assist with economic empowerment. It is the belief of this coalition of clergy, that President George W. Bush is the right person to execute and continue forward with leading this great Nation.


Pastor Ron Sailor, Sr., Dalula, GA
Pastor John Pierce, Newburn, NC
Dr. Gregory Smith, White Plains, NY
Bishop Clarence McClendon, W. Los Angeles, CA
Reverend David Terry, Greenville, SC
Dr. Janet Jones, Newbergh, NY
Reverend S.M. Wright, Dallas, TX
Dr. Charles King, Louisville, KY
Reverend James E. Washington, Dayton, OH
Reverend Charles Harrison, Indianapolis, IN