For Immediate Release
February 23, 2004                                                                 Contact: Dawna Rasmussen
Four Super Delegates, Top Idaho Democrats Endorse John Kerry

Legislators Agree John Kerry is the Strongest Candidate to Beat George Bush
Boise, ID – On the eve of the Idaho Caucus, four leading Idaho democrats pledged their support for John Kerry today.  All four super delegates to the Democratic Convention, these supporters are joined by over 80% (19 of 23) of the elected Democratic legislators in Idaho.  Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Democratic candidate for president, John Kerry, is on the trail in Idaho today and will be accepting the endorsements on her husband’s behalf.

In expressing her support for John Kerry, State Party Chair Carolyn Boyce said today, "Not only does John Kerry know and understand Idaho, he offers the kind of vision and foresight for the future that we need.  He will improve public education, create jobs, and restore our international alliances; in other words, he will be the kind of President that Idahoans deserve -- that Americans deserve.  Today I am proud to endorse him in his candidacy for the Presidency, and honored to have Mrs. Heinz Kerry here to accept our endorsements."

The four Super Delegates endorsing John Kerry are:

Carolyn Boyce - State Party Chair
Senator Edgar Malepeai - State Party Vice Chair (and State Senator)
Gail Bray - National Committeewoman
Peter Richardson - National Committeeman

Below is a list of the legislators also endorsing John Kerry today.

Senate Minority Leader Clint Stennett
Senate Assistant Minority Leader Mike Burkett
Senate Minority Caucus Chair Edgar Malepeai
Bert Marley
Fred Kennedy
Elliot Werk

House Minority Leader Wendy Jaquet
Assistant House Minority Leader Margaret Henbest
House Minority Caucus Chair Donna Boe
Shirley Ringo
Mary Lou Shepherd
Mike Caccarato
Mike Mitchell
Anne Pasley-Stuart
Ken Robison
Elmer Martinez
Allen Andersen
Elaine Smith
David Langhorst
George Sayler