The Food Corner

A Blog
Tom and Meredith Hughes of Albuquerque, NM have a longstanding interest in food.  In 1975 they founded The Food Museum, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.  The Food Museum has its roots in the Potato Museum; the Hugheses have worked on large and small exhibitions, including as guest curators on the "Seeds of Change" at the Smithsonian Institution, and written a number of books.  On October 18 they launched the "Foodies for Dean" blog.  Foodies for Dean was one of many such independent communities of interest that sprang up around the Dean campaign; others ranged from African-Americans for Dean to several Mormons for Dean sites to Pilots for Dean to Women for Dean.

"This blog is for Howard Dean supporters who are also 'foodies': food fans; people who look forward to eating well; people who care about what they cook and eat; food historians; travelers who plan their itineraries around food; chefs and other food professionals, etc.  Here we can discuss: school lunch reform, food safety, sustainable agriculture and other food-related issues, some of them humorous."