SCGOP Resolution on Presidential Preference Primary
Approved May 5, 2003 by the State Executive Committee of the South
Carolina Republican Party in a Unanimous Vote

WHEREAS, George W. Bush is the President of the United States;

WHEREAS, President Bush is the leader of the Republican Party; and

WHEREAS, President Bush is a strong and decisive leader...

A Leader who has led our nation through the 911 Terrorist Attacks,

The War Against Terrorism, and The War for Freedom In Iraq.

A Leader who fights for tax cuts, economic growth and common sense in government.

A Leader who stands for character, moral values and trust.

A Leader who, as a husband, a father, and the son of an American patriot, represents the best of family values in this great nation... and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush will be the Republican nominee in 2004 for President, ...and

WHEREAS, South Carolina Republicans are completely united in our support of the President and because we know he will be re-elected overwhelmingly in 2004...

Do hereby unanimously endorse President George W. Bush for Re-election and...

WHEREAS, there is no qualified or credible Republican candidate to challenge the President at this time, the SC State Executive Committee unanimously agrees to NOT hold a Republican Presidential Preference Primary in the year 2004 under the authority granted to the committee by SC Republican Party Rule (10b8).

(Submitted May 3rd by Ed Rumsey, Chairman of Oconee County GOP and unanimously approved by SC Republican Party State Executive Committee)