Radio |
Lieberman for President, Inc.
60-second radio spots run
in AZ starting Jan. 20, 2004.
Integrity Minded Media |
"El Sueño
:60 Airing on Spanish language radio Announcer: Quiero hablar de un hombre quien ha vivido el sueño Americano. Sus abuelos fueron inmigrantes quienes vinieron a este país en busqueda de oportunidades. Su padre creó un pequeño negocio. Ellos inculcaron en Joe Lieberman los valores de fé, familia, y amor para este país. Él fue el primero de su familia en graduarse de la universidad. Ahora Joe Lieberman es candidato para la Presidencia. George Bush les ha regalado mucho en reducciones de impuestos a corporaciones y a los más ricos. Lieberman enfocara sus esfuerzos en educación, mejor cuidado médico, y un plan de menos impuestos para familias. Joe Lieberman es un hombre con integridad quien luchará para que todos puedan alcanzar el sueño Americano. Les pido que acompañen a la Supervisora Mary Rose Wilcox, a el ex-Gobernador de Arizona Raul Castro, y a muchos Latinos en votar por Joe Lieberman el 3 de febrero. I am Joe Lieberman, and I approve this message. Pagado por Joe Lieberman para Presidente.
"El Sueño Americano"
Announcer: I want to talk about a man who has lived the American Dream. His father started a small business. His grandparents were immigrants who came to this country in search of opportunities. They instilled in Joe Lieberman the values of: faith, family, and love of this country. He was the first in his family to graduate from college. Now Joe Lieberman is a candidate for President. George Bush has given a lot of tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest of Americans. Lieberman will focus his efforts on education, better health care, and tax breaks for the middle-class. Joe Lieberman is a man with integrity who will fight so that all can reach the American Dream. I ask you to join County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox, former Arizona Governor Raul Castro, and many Latinos in voting for Joe Lieberman on February 3rd. I am Joe Lieberman and I approve this message. Paid for by Joe Lieberman for President.
"Jackson - Navajo"
(English Translation)
Joe Lieberman has visited the Navajo nation and understands our issues. He is a man of real integrity...a good man. He will fight for what is right for the Navajo people and for all Americans. This is State Senator Jack C. Jackson urging you to join me and many other Navajo people in voting for Joe Lieberman on February 3rd.
"Jackson - English"
State Senator Jack Jackson: Ya'a'tay this is State Senator Jack C. Jackson of Window Rock. On February 3rd we have an election to decide which Democrat will lead us to victory against George W. Bush. My son, State Representative Jack Jackson Jr., and I urge you to join us in supporting Joe Lieberman. Joe Lieberman has visited the Navajo nation, has met with many Arizona tribal leaders and is committed to protecting the sovereignty of tribal nations. As President, Joe will work in a true government-to-government approach with tribes to improve education, economic development and health care. I want you to know Joe Lieberman is a man of real integrity...a good man. He will fight for what is right for the Navajo people and for all Americans. This is State Senator Jack C. Jackson urging you to join me and many other Navajo people in voting for Joe Lieberman on February 3rd. |
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