Moseley Braun-Campaign Organization, New Hampshire
Moseley Braun New Hampshire Leadership
State Coordinator (volunteer) |
Suzy Colt |
(Started Dec. 12, 2003) Colt is an attorney who has also lobbied
on family law, civil rights and affordable housing. Originally from
Ohio, she has lived in New Hampshire since 1989 and is a resident of Barrington.
She has been a NOW member since 1996. Colt attended a number of events
including the Rock the Vote forum in Boston (Nov. 4), the Women's
Issues forum in Manchester (Nov. 5), and Politics & Eggs (Nov. 17),
where she was asked to gather names. One thing led to another and
she became state coordinator soon after the debate at UNH in Durham.
(candidates for delegate)
Dean A. Colburn
Mary J. Fosher
Arthur Hilson
Robert Renny
Gretchen Stewart
Copyright © 2004
Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.