Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation endorses George W. Bush for President. This is the first time the organization has ever endorsed a presidential candidate.
"We are endorsing President Bush because Wisconsin farm families have benefited from his leadership. His support of initiatives in the state has helped agriculture grow to be a $51 billion part of Wisconsin's economy," said Bill Bruins, president of the Farm Bureau, and a dairy producer from Waupun.
"President Bush's leadership on farm programs, animal identification, conservation programs, tax relief, renewal energy, and market development best complements the agricultural initiatives being pursued in Wisconsin."
"We believe President Bush is the best choice for Wisconsin farm families to expand market opportunities, hold the line on taxes, and provide sensible leadership on environmental rules. We recognize the importance of having a President with initiatives that are the most favorable and consistent with the economic development efforts being undertaken by agricultural leaders in the state," said Bruins.
The Farm Bureau said it decided to make its first ever presidential endorsement because the organization has seen the benefits farmers received by direct involvement in state legislative races for the past 16 years, and they recognize the need to become more active in Congressional and national issues. The Farm Bureau listed these positions and initiatives of President Bush as complimenting the future of agriculture in Wisconsin:
Farm Bureau Federation
PO Box 5550
Madison,WI 53705-0550
1-800-261-FARM or 608-836-5575