Wesley Clark-Supporters, Iowa
On October 20, 2003 the New York Times' Adam Nagourney reported the Clark intends to bypass the Iowa caucuses and will maintain "a minimal presence in the state."

On September 16, 2003, the eve of Gen. Clark's announcement, he had no announced organization in Iowa.  However, the Women for Clark website listed ten grassroots supporters who stepped forward to coordinate draft efforts.  Although they have no formal connection to Clark, these are some of his earliest supporters.

Max Guyll,  Iowa Coordinator (max@draftclark2004.com) 
James Grob, Bloomfield/Ottumwa Coordinator  (jg4horsemen@yahoo.com) 
Ruth Olive, Cedar Rapids Coordinator (rutholive@mchsi.com) 
Vern Wriedt, Davenport Coordinator (vern7185@aol.com) 
Chris Godfrey,  Des Moines Coordinator (cjglaw@aol.com) 
Joseph Hickey, Dubuque Coordinator (angelsnkids@yahoo.com) 
Joyce Carman, Iowa City Coordinator  (jcarman@mchsi.com) 
John Williams, Mason City Coordinator (williamsjjt@mchsi.com) 
Jim Bailey, Ottumwa/Bloomfield Coordinator (treebird@iowatelecom.net) 
Don Mcrae, West Des Moines Coordinator (dmcrae03@hotmail.com) 

Copyright ©  2003  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action