On August 5, 2003 in advance of the AFL-CIO convention in Chicago, the campaign announced some labor supporters:
Michael Gerhart, John Deere
Employee, UAW Local 893, Melbourne
Shon Breakey - BLE, Boone
Bill Sylvester, retired
Painter local #214, Sioux City
Ralph Arndt, UFCW local
#1142, Sioux City
Linda Nelson, ISEA, Council
Anne James , retired ISEA,
Sioux City
Jim Healy, retired UAW local
#94, Dubuque
Andy Anderson, UAW local
#1237, Keokuk
Bernard Ortiz, Great Plains
Laborers District Council, Des Moines
Alice Clinton Boyd, ISEA,
Des Moines
Beverley Rens, retired SEIU,
Jerry Stych, UAW Local 1024
Retirees President, Cedar Rapids
Loran Garland, PAC of IBEW
local #405, Cedar Rapids
Mike O'Donnell, President
of Bricklayers Local #3, Cedar Rapids
Gayle Tellin, CWA local
#7108, Westgate
Ron McLaughlin, retired
UAW President local #838, Cedar Falls
Matt Porter, Vice President
of CWA, local #7108, Waterloo
Dan Bednar, AFSMCE local
3015, Fort Dodge
Paul Mann - Former Chair
of ISEA, NEA, Des Moines
Patty Graham - ISEA, NEA,
Des Moines