Pre-Debate Fact - Edwards Said It: Iraq "Most Serious and
Imminent Threat"
Debate Fact # 1 Setting the Record Straight
John Edwards tonight contradicted the conclusions of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, of which he was a member, and the 9/11
Commission in denying that contacts existed between Saddam Hussein and
al Qaeda...
Debate Fact # 2 He Said It:
Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) Said Kerry's Decision To Vote Against The Iraq
Supplemental Was An Attempt "To Prove To Dean's Guys" That He Was "Not
A Warmonger."
Debate Fact # 3 Setting the Record Straight:
Edward's False Statement:
In response to question #2 John Edwards said, "We were attacked by Al
Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. We went into Afghanistan and very
quickly the Administration made a decision to divert attention from
that and instead to begin to plan for the invasion of Iraq."
Debate Fact # 4 Edwards Said It:
Tonight Edwards Claimed Kerry Has Been Consistent From The Beginning On
The War on Terror.
Debate Fact # 5 He Said It:
VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY: "So they, in effect, decided they would
cast an anti-war vote, and they voted against the troops. Now, if
they couldn't stand up to the pressures that Howard Dean represented,
how can we expect them to standup to Al Qaeda?"
Debate Fact # 6 He Said It:
VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY: "Senator, frankly, you have a record in
the Senate that's not very distinguished. You missed 33 out of 36
meetings in the Judiciary Committee...
Debate Fact # 7 Setting the Record Straight
Edward's False Statement:
In response to question #14 John Edwards said, "We do have too many
from Bush-Cheney '04 Campaign Chairman Governor Marc Racicot
CLEVELAND, OHIO -- Today, Bush-Cheney '04 Campaign Chairman
Governor Marc Racicot made the following statement:
"Vice President Dick Cheney won tonight because he countered rhetoric
with the facts - calling into question not just the deficiencies of
Kerry's record, but calling into question Kerry and Edwards'
credibility as candidates and as U.S. Senators.
"John Edwards failed as a credible
advocate for John Kerry and Dick Cheney proved once again that
substance will always trump campaign rhetoric. The American
people saw no evidence that John Kerry has any convictions - despite
Edwards' best attempts at political spin.
"John Edwards delivered an empty
performance full of political attacks that ignored the realities of a
post 9/11 America."