"I don't cross picket lines. I never have," said John Kerry.
This quote is from the man that with all our help can be and should be the next President of the United States, our very own Senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry. On June 28th John Kerry refused to cross a union picket line at the US Conference of Mayors meeting hosted by Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino. This picket line was manned by members of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s’ Association IUPA Local #16807 and Boston Firefighters IAFF Local #718 both AFL/CIO affiliated unions. Both unions were protesting the lack of settled contracts. To strike back at both Senator Kerry and his unions, Boston’s Mayor Menino invited the anti-labor, republican Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, who has called for Senator Kerry's resignation, to speak to the mayors' convention. Mitt Romney returned the favor by calling Tom Menino a "good Democrat." We disagree with Governor Romney and write to ask you to support our members and their families in our struggle with Mayor Thomas Menino for fair and equitable labor agreements.
Just 90 days ago all of the city’s 32 unions were without contracts. Boston police officers are entering their third year without a contract and Boston firefighters entering their second year without a contract. Many other smaller unions also remain with unsettled contracts. Both firefighters and police officer unions have very reasonable bargaining positions, asking that the Mayor give our members what he has already given to settle with other city unions.
As Democratic delegates we appeal to you. The Boston Firefighters Local 718 and Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association respectfully request that you to stand with us in solidarity and respect our picket lines at all Mayor Menino’s DNC welcoming parties on Sunday, July 25. We also ask for your support and petition all delegates to boycott Mayor Menino’s address to the convention by walking out as he begins his speech. We shall be protesting and picketing any reception, speech or party Mayor Menino hosts or attends during the Convention. We apologize for any inconvenience. We shall try not to hinder or interrupt any other DNC business.
We believe the Mayor’s priorities are misplaced. As Mayor Menino focuses on building his legacy with conferences and receptions, he has yet to finish negotiating with his public safety unions. That is wrong to treat men and women who risk their lives everyday protecting the public in such a manner. Throughout America, firefighters and police officers are regarded with respect and admiration for the job they do. In Boston, we are the forgotten heroes.
Because of these picket lines and in order to welcome to DNC delegates to Boston, the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association and Boston Firefighters Local 718 will co-host a reception and invite delegates we are displacing at the Mayor’s events to attend “Boston’s Police and Firefighter Heroes Welcome the DNC”. The reception shall be held at the Boston firefighter’s Florian Hall which is located at 55 Hallet Street in the Dorchester section of Boston, the telephone number is 617-288-6666 and directions can be found on the web site www.florianhall.com. We shall extend a warm Boston welcome to all DNC delegates with music, food and refreshments from 4:00PM until 9:00. Please call Jim Barry at the BPPA 617-989-2772 for further information.
It is our sworn duty to protect the public and we perform that duty
24 hours a day 365 days a year. We shall be doing our job and we’ll
try to insure that your visit to Boston is a pleasant and safe one.
In solidarity,
Tom Nee
Nick DiMarino
President BPPA Local 16807 President Local 718 IAFF