![]() New Hampshire Travel [calendar]
-Bobbie and Wallace Edwards, Sen. Edwards' parents, are scheduled to visit NH on January 12-13, 2004. On January 12 they plan to meet and talk with staff and volunteers at Edwards' headquarters in Manchester; meet with seniors at Hudson Senior Center; and meet and talk with staff and volunteers at Edwards' Portsmouth office. On January 13 they plan to meet with seniors at Somersworth Senior Center; meet with seniors at Central Towers in Dover; and meet with seniors at Portsmouth Senior Center. -Supporters held as many as 100
"House Parties for Change" across NH on January 11, 2004
to introduce their friends and neighbors to Sen. Edwards via DVD or video.
-On January 8 and 9, 2004
a "Carolina Convoy" of supporters from South and North Carolina arrived
in NH for a weekend of canvassing.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on January 8-10, 2004.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on January 2-3, 2004.
On January 2 he kicked off and joined a door-to-door canvass in
Nashua, starting at the campaign's office there; met with voters at the
Tilt'n Diner in Tilton; met with voters at the Littleton Diner in Littleton;
planned met with voters at The Common Ground in Lancaster was cancelled
due to bad weather and roads]; and held a town meeting at Mister
Pizza in Gorham. On January 3 he met with voters at the Met
Coffee House in North Conway; met with voters at the home of Wil and Carol
Boc in Dover; met with voters at the home of Elissa and Tim Stone in Portsmouth;
and delivered a "major speech" on the steps of City Hall in Nashua.
2003: 21 visits,
39 days
-Elizabeth Edwards visited
on December 16-17, 2003. On December 16 she met with
adult education students at the Adult Learning Center in Nashua; met with
voters at Don Quijote in Manchester; did a downtown in Claremont starting
City Hall and concluding at Hullabaloo Coffee where she met with voters;
met with voters at Richard Black Community Center in Lebanon; met with
voters at The Clamshell in Littleton. On December 17 she met
with voters at Welsh's Restaurant in Gorham; met with voters at Settler's
Green Outlet Village Plus in North Conway; and met with voters at Wolfeboro
Inn in Wolfeboro.
-On December 16, 2003
from Houston Sen. Edwards unveiled flu proposals via videoconference ("High-Tech
Town Hall Meeting") with small groups in Manchester, Gorham, and Hanover,NH.
-Sen Edwards visited NH on December 9-10, 2003.
On the evening December 9 he participated in the debate at UNH in
Durham; then greeted supporters at a debate watching party at The Tin Palace
in Durham. On December 10 he did interviews on Boston television
and at noon he held a town meeting at the Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester.
-Elizabeth Edwards visited NH
on December 9-10, 2003. On December 9 she met with
voters at Salem Senior Center in Salem; held a roundtable on women's issues
at Hermano's Cocina Mexicana in Concord; visited Dover Children's Center
in Dover; attended the debate at UNH in Durham; and greeted supporters
after the debate at the debate watch party at The Tin Palace in Durham.
On the morning of December 10 she held a house party at the home
of Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja in Nashua.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on November 29, 2003.
He walked in the Derry parade and kicked-off his holiday toy drive
starting at the corner of Griffin St. and W. Broadway in Derry; attended
a holiday open house at the home of Carolyn and Randy Werner in Derry;
attended a holiday open house at his Manchester headquarters on Elm Street;
attended a holiday open house at his Nashua office and walked through downtown
Nashua; and visited with area voters at Oliver's Restaurant in Tilton.
(Edwards left on the morning of Nov. 30; he had no events).
-On November 21, 2003
the campaign unveiled phase three of its month-long "Plan for Change" campaign,
following up on the November 5-8 bus trip and television advertising.
Fifty boxes of Edwards "Real Solutions" plan were unloaded at Manchester,
headquarters and the campaign planned to deliver more than 20,000 copies
to New Hampshire voters by the end of the month.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on November 18, 2003,
emphasizing American Education Week. He participated in the AARP
candidate forum at the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford; held a workplace town hall
meeting at Southeastern Container, Inc. in Hudson; held a workplace town
hall meeting at Fisher Scientific in Hampton; and held a town hall meeting
at the home of Sen. Lou D'Allesandro in Manchester.
-Sen. Edwards brought the "Real Solutions Express" back
to NH for a "Plan for Change" bus trip with wife Elizabeth on November
5-8, 2003.
-Daughter Cate visited NH
on October 27-28, 2003. On October 27 she kicked off
the campaign's BOOK drive, collecting used books for afterschool programs,
at Girls, Inc. at its temporary location at St. Augustine's Church in Manchester;
and met with volunteers phonebanking for Sen. Edwards' upcoming bus trip
at the offices of Wyskiel, Boc & Tillinghast in Dover.
She also spoke with students at St. Anselm’s College and New England College
during the two-day visit.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 19-20, 2003,
launching what was billed as a week-long "National Check Up Tour" designed
"to diagnose President Bush's failing record on health care and to highlight
his own prescriptions to make the health care system work for everyone."
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 14, 2003.
In the morning he appeared on NHPR's "The Exchange;" held a town hall meeting
with students at Concord High School; held a workplace town hall meeting
at Yankee Book Peddler in Contoocook; in the evening he held a town hall
meeting at Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center in Claremont; and
held a town hall meeting at Dartmouth University in Hanover.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 5-6,
2003, kicking off a "Work Week" focusing on the recession and jobs
proposals. On October 5 he met with area voters at The Big
Bean in Newmarket; held a town hall meeting at The Bandstand in Hampton
Falls; visited the Annual Apple Festival at Monument Square in Hollis;
visited the Lull Farm in Hollis; held a town hall meeting at Londonderry
High School; and held a town hall meeting in the Food Court at UNH's Memorial
Union building in Durham. On
October 6 he met with area voters
at Great Falls Grill in Somersworth; held a town hall meeting in the cafeteria
at NH Community Technical College in Stratham; held a workplace town hall
meeting at CCA Global Partners in Manchester; met with area voters at Favorite's
Family Restaurant in Franklin; and held a town hall meeting at Pease Public
Library in Plymouth.
-Elizabeth Edwards visited NH
for a full day on September 26, 2003. She visited Rivier College
in Nashua for a roundtable on nursing issues; visited Borden Senior Center
in Claremont; visited Morrison Common in the Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth
College in Hanover; attended a house party at the home of state Rep. Sharon
Nordgren in Hanover; and visited the Alumni Lounge in the Ware Campus Center
at Colby-Sawyer College in New London.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on September
17, 2003. The main event was a town meeting on the State House
lawn in Concord; he then attended an AARP meeting in Manchester; and appeared
on The Dan Pierce Show on WGIR in Manchester.
-Elizabeth Edwards visited
on the afternoon of September 12, 2003. She did a roundtable
at Plus Time (a non-profit focused on out-of-school-time programs for youth)
in Chichester; a roundtable at UNH in Durham; and a private coffee at Cafe
Brioche in Portsmouth..
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on
8-9, 2003. Starting late afternoon on September 8 he participated
in a NH AFL-CIO forum at Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall in Hooksett; and
held a town hall meeting at Merrimack Town Hall. On the morning
of September 9 he addressed "Politics & Eggs" at the Bedford
Village Inn in Bedford; and visited with local voters at Marryanne's Diner
in Derry.
-Sen. Edwards brought his "Real Solutions Express" to
from August 20-25, 2003, making a six-day, 24-town bus trip around
the state with his wife Elizabeth and children Cate, Jack and Emma Claire:
168 cans of Diet Coke - 245 bottles of water - 126 questions at Town Hall meetings
-The Edwards campaign started
running TV
ads in NH on August 6, 2003.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on August 6,
2003. He spoke to the NEA-NH's annual summer conference at the
Grand Summit Resort in Bartlett; continued his Town Hall Tour with a town
hall-style ice cream social at the North Conway Community Center Gazebo;
and held a Town Hall Meeting at Berlin City Hall.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on July 27-28, 2003.
On July 27 he continued his Town Hall Tour at Greeley Park in Nashua;
did a town hall meeting at Depot Park in Peterborough; and attended a B.B.Q.
to benefit the Derry Democratic Committee at Jean Cleary's residence in
Derry. On July 28 he toured Child Health Services in Manchester
and talked with health care workers there; unveiled his health care plan
at Manchester Community Health Center; and continued his Town Hall Tour
at Belknap Mill in Laconia.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on July 15-16,
2003. On July 15 he held a town hall meeting with Seacoast
voters at Prescott Park in Portsmouth, the second of his Summer
Town Hall Tour. On the morning of July 16 he discussed
his plan to spur job growth at Cirtronics, Inc. in Milford.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH
on July 7, 2003. He unveiled his corporate responsibility
proposal in a speech to the Manchester Rotary Club at Chateau Restaurant
in Manchester; walked through downtown Manchester to his campaign office
and spoke to staff and interns there; and held a town hall meeting at Conant
Elementary School in Concord, kicking-off his Town Hall Tour.
On June 24, 2003 the Edwards campaign announced a Summer Town Hall Tour
for New Hampshire: Concord - July 7 Seacoast (Portsmouth)
- July 15 Nashua - July 27
Lakes Region (Peterborough) - July 28 Carroll
County - August 6 North Country - August 6
Manchester - August 20 Derry/Salem - August 21
Strafford County - August 23 Keene - August 24
Upper Valley - August 24. This then morphed into the "Real
Solutions Express" family bus tour August 20-25, 2003.
-Elizabeth Edwards hosted the
grand opening of the Edwards for President New Hampshire campaign headquarters
on Elm Street in Manchester, NH on June 22, 2003.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on June 2, 2003.
In Concord he appeared on NHPR's The Exchange; met with NEA-NH; and met
with SEIU Local 1984-State Employees' Association of NH. In Manchester
met with Teamsters; and did a roundtable discussion at Manchester Central
High School, joined by Mayor Bob Baines. In New Castle he was keynote
speaker at the annual meeting and dinner of the New Hampshire Trial Lawyers
Association at the Wentworth by the Sea Hotel.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on
May 23-24, 2003.On
23 he toured the Gorham paper mill in Gorham, then met with millworkers
and North Country activists for dinner at Mary's Pizza. On May
24 he visited several diners in Manchester--Chez Vachon, Blake's, Pappy's
and the Merrimack; attended a house party with area activists at the home
of Donald and Maureen Manning in Manchester; attended a house party with
area activists at the home of Sen. Joe Foster in Nashua; met with activists
from the southern tier communities in the club house at the Victorian Park
Family Entertainment Center in Salem [photo];
attended a house party at the home of Rep. Terie Norelli in Portsmouth.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on May 12, 2003.
He attended a fundraiser hosted by Tom Craig and Dave Gottesman at a Manchester
law firm and taped the WMUR "Conversation with the Candidates." [visit
not publicized]. --The program aired May 16, 2003 from 7:30-8:00
-Sen. Edwards
NH on
April 26-27, 2003. [Overnighted April
25]. On April 26 he spoke and did a discussion with students
at New England College in Henniker; attended a house party with activists
and potential supporters at the home of Peter Burling in Cornish; attended
a meet the candidate forum at Kendal at Hanover retirement community in
Hanover; and delivered the keynote speech at the Cheshire Democrats Spaghetti
Dinner at Masonic Hall in Keene. On April 27 he attended a
meet the candidate house party at Bev Hollingworth's home in Hampton; and
attended a meet the candidate party at The Barn Tavern in Dover.
-Sen. Edwards visited Nashua, NH on April
7-8, 2003. On April 7 he had dinner with activists at
a Manchester restaurant. On the morning of April 8 he participated
in a Meet the Candidate breakfast at Hamblett & Kerrigan in Nashua
and discussed the economy with workers at the Shirt Factory in Derry.
-Elizabeth Edwards and general
campaign chairman Ed Turlington spoke at the NH State Democratic Party
convention at Derryfield School in Manchester, NH on April 5,
2003. Afterwards they hosted a private brunch for supporters.
-Sen. Edwards had been scheduled
to visit NH on March 21, 2003 but cancelled the trip due
to the war in Iraq.
-Sen. Edwards had been scheduled
to attend the NHDP's annual "100 Club" dinner in Manchester, NH
on February 27, 2003, but he cancelled the trip so as not to miss
Senate votes.
-Sen. Edwards visited
on February 19, 2003. In the morning he did three events in
Manchester; he spoke to Prof. Dante Scala's Public Policy Process class
at St. Anselm College; toured GroLen Communications, Inc. and met with
employees; and had coffee with Manchester area supporters and activists
at Merrimack Restaurant. Proceeding to Concord, he had lunch at the
Kimball Jenkins Estate, then toured Page Belting, Inc. Finally, in
Derry he attended a reception with supporters and activists at Depot Square
-Elizabeth Edwards visited NH
on February 1, 2003. She toured the Strafford County Rest Home in
Dover; attended a luncheon in honor of Caroline McCarley sponsored by the
Strafford County Democratic Committee at Governor's Inn in Rochester; had
coffee with activists at the home of Peter and Tenley Callaghan in Concord
and attended a house party at the home of state Sen. Lou D'Allesandro in
2002: 3 visits, 9 days
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on June
21-23, 2002. On June 21 he dropped by the Hanover Hill Health
Care Center, a nursing home in Manchester, and appeared at the Manchester
City Democrats Flag Day Dinner at the Soucy home in Manchester.
On June 22 he attended a house party at the home of state Rep. Linda Foster
in Mt Vernon, attended the Merrimack County Democratic Party Pig Roast
& Potluck Picnic at the home of Mary Beth Walz and Harry Judd in Bow
($15 for adults, under 16 gets in free), and attended a NHDP summer seacoast
event at the home of Katherine Paine in Durham. On June 23 he attended
a house party at the Pattons' home in Hampton.
-Sen. Edwards visited NH on February
1-3, 2002. On February 1 he had planned to speak in the library
at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord, but the school was closed
due to the weather and the event cancelled. He did interviews at
the Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester and attended (closed press) a NH
Senate Democrats welcome at Devine, Millimet & Branch in Manchester.
On February 2 attended house parties at Chris and Kristin Sullivan's home
in Concord, Raymond and Karen Fitzpatrick's home in Keene, and the
home of Joe Foster and Marissa Baltus in Nashua. On February
3 he did a coffee with activists at Cafe Brioche in Portsmouth, a lunch
with activists at Goldi's Deli in Portsmouth, a house party at the home
of Will and Carol Boc in Dover, a fundraiser for Executive Council candidate
John Kacavas at a home in Manchester, and attended (closed press) several
Super Bowl parties in Manchester.
2001: no visits See this list with
Names Highlighted
And... Rob Werner, vice chair of the Merrimack County Democratic Committee and chair of a volunteer group within the NHDP known as the Grassroots Task Force, is an Edwards' supporter. Nick Baldick, who ran Al Gore's New Hampshire primary
campaign in 1999-2000, helped organize Edwards' visits to the state.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.