Anita Freedman
Democratic National Committeewoman, Portsmouth
Gaetan DiGangi
Democratic National Committeeman, Merrimack
Norman D'Amours
former member of Congress
State Committee member, Manchester
Deborah Pignatelli
former State Senator and State Representative, Nashua
George Disnard
former State Senator, Claremont
Jim Demers
former Congressional candidate
former State Representative, lobbyist, Hampton
Debra Crapo
NH Democratic Party Vice Chair, Rockingham County Chair, Rye
John Kacavas
At-Large school board member, former Executive Council
candidate, former State Representative, Manchester
Ed Mears
State Representative, Vice President of the NH AFL-CIO,
State Committee member, Berlin
Robert Theberge
State Representative, former City Manager, Berlin
David Allison
State Representative, Claremont
John DeJoie
State Representative, firefighter, Concord
Tara Reardon
State Representative, City Council member, Concord
John Amrol
Executive Vice President, NH AFL CIO, Concord
Nancy Scovner
State Representative, Enfield
Roger Zerba
Cheshire County Commissioner
former State Representative, Keene
James Craig
State Representative, Manchester
Robert Haley
State Representative, Manchester
Alice McDonough-Wallace
State Representative, Manchester
Barbara Shaw
State Representative, Manchester
Eric Palangas
State Representative, firefighter, Manchester
Robert Batchelder
State Representative, Marlow Town Chair, Marlow
Peter Cote
State Representative, Nashua
Mary Gorman
State Representative, Nashua
Angie Kopka
State Representative, Nashua
Debra Kudalis
State Representative, Nashua
Roland Lefebvre
State Representative, Nashua
Cynthia Sweeney
State Representative, Nashua
Robert Davidson
State Representative, Newmarket Town Chair, Newmarket
Chris Malloy
State Representative, Pelham
Frank Davis
State Representative, Pembroke
Deanna Rush
State Representative, Pembroke
Laura Pantelakos
State Representative, City Council member, Portsmouth
Jacqueline Pitts
State Representative, Portsmouth
Evelyn Sirrell
Mayor, Portsmouth
Paul McEachern
State Representative
former gubernatorial candidate, Portsmouth
Pamela Arnold
Strafford County Treasurer, Rochester
continues organized alph. by town
Barbara Brewster, activist, Andover
Richard Brewster
former State Representative, Andover
Joe Dubisz
activist, Bedford
Sandy Dubisz
activist, Bedford
Shelley Herson
former candidate for State Representative, Bedford
Brian Moyer
activist, Bedford
Carol Moyer
activist, Bedford
Bob Murphy
activist, Bedford
Denis Parker
former Executive Director
NH State Employees Association, SEIU, Bedford
Isabel Partin
activist, Bedford
Marie Hughes
activist, Berlin
Beverly Ingersoll
City Council member, Berlin
Paul Ingersoll
former candidate for Coos County Sheriff, Berlin
Richard LaFleur
City Council member, Berlin
Bill Maddalena
activist, firefighter, Berlin
Tina Withington
activist, member, State Employees Association Executive Board,
SEIU, Berlin
Stan Post
former Secretary, New Hampshire Democratic Party
Center Barnstead
Janet Amrol
activist, Concord
Arlene Atkinson
activist, Concord
Jeffrey Bart
City Council member, Concord
Jim Bouley
Mayor Pro Tempore, consultant, Concord
Richard Bouley
lobbyist, consultant, Concord
Jeffrey Brown
activist, Concord
Paul Parisi
activist, Concord
Shawn Riley
firefighter, former candidate for State Representative, Concord
Duane Churchill
activist, Cornish
Elizabeth Cary
activist, Derry
Mary Gillis
activist, Derry
Eleanor Settle
activist, Derry
Barbara St. George
activist, Derry
Bob Berry
activist, Dover
Jennifer Brown
State Committee member, former Dover Town Chair, Dover
Jay Dean
activist, Dover
Clair Dean
activist, Dover
John Demers
activist, Dover
Bill McCann
former State Representative, former school board Chair,
State Committee member, former candidate for Executive Council,
Marsha Pelletier
former State Representative, Dover
Deborah Reed
activist, Farmington
Clayton Gassett
City Council member, Franklin
Elaine Hennessy
activist, Franklin
Lawrence Hennessy
Chair, Franklin Democrats, Franklin
Glenn Davis
activist, Gilford
Carol LaPierre
Treasurer, Carroll County Democrats,
State Committee member, Glen
Ruth Gage
former State Representative, Goffstown
Anita Koufopoulos
activist, Goffstown
Tom Koufopoulos
activist, Goffstown
Stephen Spratt
school board member, Greenville
Deborah Spratt
activist, Greenville
Ruth Allen
activist, Hampstead
Charlene Carliell
former candidate for State Representative, Hampton
Jerry Dignam
activist, Hampton
Sunny Kravitz
activist, Hampton
Parker Ryan
activist, Hampton
Lisa Ryan
activist, Hampton
Jim Kennedy
activist, former Hampton Beach Commissioner, Hampton Beach
Lauren Bates
student, Dartmouth College, Hanover
Kevin Healey
firefighter, activist, Hooksett
Irene Labonville
activist, Hooksett
Donna Marceau
activist, Hudson
Peter Blaisdell
activist, Keene
Carol Blaisdell
activist, Keene
Michael Blaisdell
former State Representative, Executive Council candidate, former
Chair, New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission,
State Committee member, Keene
Sigornee Colby
Chair, school board, Keene
Kathleen Anders
school board member, Laconia
Armand Bolduc
City Council member, Laconia
Denis Dionne
former candidate for State Representative, Laconia
Margaret Kerns
Chair, school board, Laconia
Doris Makely
former City Council member, Laconia
Bill Barry
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Karla Bayko
activist, Manchester
Melissa Bayko
activist, Manchester
Maurice Belair
former candidate for State Representative, Manchester
Robert Blaisdell
lobbyist, consultant, Manchester
Eugene Boisvert
former school board member, Manchester
Ann Bourque
former State Representative, Alderman, Manchester
Caitlin Corrigan
student, St. Anselm College, Manchester
Molly Craig
teacher, activist, Manchester
William Craig
activist, student, Manchester
Sharon Craig
teacher, activist, Manchester
Betsi DeVries
Alderman, Manchester
Maurine Duval
teacher, activist, Manchester
John Early
activist, Manchester
Lucille Forest
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Armand Forest
Alderman, Manchester
Paul Gagnon
former State Representative, Manchester
Eddie Gazda
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Everett Godbois
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Pauline Ikawa
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Jackie Johnson
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Steve Johnson
former candidate for Executive Council, Manchester
Mindy Kacavas
activist, Manchester
Nick Kacavas
activist, Manchester
Betty Kacavas
activist, Manchester
Jennie Magdziasz
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Stephanie Magdziasz
activist, Manchester
Pat Mallory
activist, Manchester
Andy Manning
activist, Manchester
Vincent McHugh
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Ralph Medina
activist, Manchester
Phil Mongan
activist, Manchester
Thomas Murphy
activist, Manchester
Shannon O'Brien
State Committee member,
former candidate for Executive Council, Manchester
Debbie Ouellette
activist, Manchester
Russell Ouellette
school board member, Manchester
Roger Paradis
activist, Manchester
Sandra Dubisz Paradis
school board member, Manchester
Marie Poirier
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Helen Reidy
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Frank Reidy
former State Representative, Manchester
Lorraine Riel
activist, Manchester
Vincent Roukey
activist, Manchester
Rebecca Roy
activist, Manchester
Mark Roy
former candidate for Alderman,
Manchester City Committee member, Manchester
Leslee Stewart
Vice Chair, school board, Manchester
Diane Swasey
activist, former candidate for State Representative, Manchester
Chris Taylor
activist, Manchester
Richard Taylor
activist, Manchester
Henry Thibault
Alderman, Manchester
Jim Townsend
activist, Manchester
John Trisciani
activist, Manchester
Tony Turner
activist, Manchester
Randall Walden
activist, Manchester
George Wight
activist, Manchester
Violet Woodin
activist, Manchester
Don Botsch
former candidate for State Representative, Merrimack
Gail DiGangi
activist, Merrimack
John McCann
activist, Merrimack
Anne McCann
Secretary, Merrimack Town Democrats, Merrimack
Patrick Moran
activist, Merrimack
Greta Moran
Chair, Merrimack Democrats,
former Chair Hillsborough County Democrats, Merrimack
Mary Moriarty
former State Representative, Merrimack
Linda Pierce
activist, Merrimack
Bill Finnerty
activist, Milford
Rajiv Garg
activist, Milford
Judy Salmon
activist, Milford
Paul G. Bergeron
activist, Nashua
Normand Bergeron
former State Representative, Nashua
David Brody
former State Committee member,
former candidate for State Representative, Nashua
Helen Cote
activist, Nashua
Lee Lombard
State Committee member, Nashua
Joan Matarazzo
activist, Nashua
Anthony Matarazzo
former candidate for State Representative, Nashua
Timothy Nickerson
City Council member, Nashua
Marc Plamondon
City Council member, Nashua
Theresa Drabinowicz
former State Representative, Nashua
Jennifer Davidson
activist, Newmarket
Pat Davis
activist, Pembroke
Vincent Greco
former State Representative, Pembroke
Ron Rush
activist, Pembroke
Carol Burney
former State Representative, Penacook
John Hynes
City Council member, Portsmouth
Tom Kociemba
activist, Portsmouth
Rosalyn Kociemba
activist, Portsmouth
Shaun McEachern
activist, Portsmouth
Justin Nadeau
activist, Portsmouth
Gerald Ward
activist, Portsmouth
Geoff Ward
First Vice Chair, Portsmouth Democrats, Portsmouth
Barbara Ward
State Committee member, Portsmouth
Mary Brown
activist, Rochester
George Brown
activist, former State Representative, Rochester
James McGranaghan
school board member, Rochester
Randy Crapo
activist, Rye
Shawn Crapo
activist, Rye
Cynthia Hickson
State Committee member, Rye
Courtney Hickson
Student, activist, Rye
J.P. Nadeau
former Rockingham County Chair, Rye
Helen Durham
activist, Rye Beach
Paul Durham
activist, Rye Beach
Doris Flaherty
activist, Salem
Michael Hatem
former State Senate candidate, Salem
Joe Herdade
activist, Salem
Pat Keegan
activist, Salem
Linda Salatiello
activist, Sanbornton
David Hussey
activist, Seabrook
Elizabeth Thibodeau
Chair, Seabrook Democrats,
former Treasurer, Rockingham County Democrats, Seabrook
Brian Tapscott
City Council member, Somersworth
John Rego Perrotta
former candidate for State Representative, Springfield
Lynn Duffy Rubino
former candidate for State Representative, West Lebanon
Virginia Daschbach
activist, Westmoreland
Richard Daschbach
former Cheshire County Commissioner,
former State Representative,
State Committee member, Westmoreland
Maureen Cram
activist, Wilton
Jared Cram
former candidate for State Representative, Wilton
Ralph Romano
activist, Windham