Friend in Bob Graham
We've Got A Friend In Bob Graham
That's What Everybody's Sayin'
All The Way Across The Good Ole USA
From Atlantic To Pacific
We All Say That " He's Terrific"!
America Needs Bob Graham Today!
Bob Will Be The 44th President
An 8 Year White House Resident
Bob's Working For America Every Day!
(last chorus)
Bob Graham For America Today! Go Bob!
Friend in Bob Graham
Revised Lyrics 5-6-03 -
Copyright 1977 Otto Music Pub. ASCAP
Composers: Frank Loconto,
ASCAP and Bob Graham
Vocals - Frank Loconto
Musicians - Dennis Blischak,
Hernan "Teddy" Mulet
Engineer - Konstantin Ossaoulenko
There is also a catchy salsa edition of the song:
Arriba Bob
Tenemos un Amigo que se llama (Bob Graham)
Desde el Atlantico al Pacifico
Le dicen el magnifico
Electen a Robertico Para America (3x's)
Es el que necesitamos
Caballero es lo que hace falta
De frente trabajando
En la Casa Blanca residente
Un gran Presidente
Ese es el que necesitamos Para America
Aqui viene
A la casa
Aqui vamos
Ocho años
Ocho años
Arriba Bob!
Copyright: Otto Music Publishing
Composers: Frank Loconto,
ASCAP - Matt Calderin - Rosco Martinez
Vocals - Rosco Martinez
Musicians - Rosco Martinez
and Noise Band
Engineer - Konstantin Ossaoulenko
The CD will have seven or eight more tracks.
1. Frank Loconto (July 22, 2003 e-mail): "'We've
Got A Friend In Bob Graham' was written in 1977. Details: Me
and my future wife Phyllis were hosting a small reception for Bob at our
home in Broward County and I put together a little 'ditty' for him with
the 'hook', "Bob Graham is a Cracker, Be a Graham Cracker Backer".... He
asked me if I could include the word.. 'work' somewhere, as he was going
to do 100 workdays during the campaign in order to meet the citizens and
listen to their concerns and interests. I concluded the song with
the line, "Vote for Bob, He Will Make Florida Work Again."..... and after
25 years and about 400 workdays he's still singing and having fun with