Bob Graham for President Inc.
Sen. Graham filed papers establishing Bob Graham for President, Inc. on February 26, 2003. Paul Johnson is campaign manager. Steven M. Paikowsky is finance director and Marvin Rosen is finance chair.
2nd Q 2003: The campaign
raised a relatively unremarkable $2.0 million, a figure which includes
$150,000 transferred from Graham's Senate committee. Graham is lagging
significantly behind the major Democrats in terms of cash on hand.
1st Q 2003: Although
a handful of contributions were recorded in late February, well over 99
percent of the money came in in March. Contributions from six political
committees totalled $27,000 (Association of Floral Importers of Florida,
FPL PAC, J.M. Family Enterprises Inc. PAC, Progress Energy Employees' Federal
PAC, Southern Wine & Spirits PAC, and Florida Fruit & Vegetable
Association). The campaign reported making only three disbursements:
BTS Strategies Inc. (Miami) - $7,500.00 for fundraising consulting; Campaign
Victory Consultants (Fort Lauderdale) - $3,750.00 for fundraising consulting;
and Robert L. Gibson, Jr. (Lake Wales) - $1,194.25 for printing expense.
Copyright © 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.