Sen. Bob Graham

New Hampshire Travel 
7 visits,  18 days
-The Graham campaign held a fundraiser/rally with with drivers #22 Ward Burton, #50 Jon Wood, and Jack Roush of Roush Racing at Makris Lobster & Steak House in Concord, NH on September 12, 2003.

-Sen. Graham visited NH on August 16-19, 2003
On August 16 he attended the Merrimack County Democrats' 9th Annual Pig Roast and Potluck Picnic at the Home of Mary Beth Walz and Harry Judd in Bow. 
On August 17 he did a workday as a stage hand including a special guest appearance at at a live performance of "Prairie Home Companion" at Meadowbrook Musical Arts Center in Gilford.
On August 18 he appeared on NHPR’s "The Exchange;" addressed the Manchester Rotary Club at the Chateau Restaurant in Manchester; with Mrs. Graham held a roundtable on seniors' issues at the Salem Haven Nursing Home in Salem; and in the evening he attended a house party at the home of Bill and Merle Shaer in Bedford.  (Mrs. Graham also had other events on August 18).
On August 19 he greeted breakfast patrons at the Four Aces Diner in Lebanon; toured Tally Systems, Inc. in Lebanon; toured Claremont City Hall and Sullivan County Courthouse with Rep. Cloutier in Claremont; made an impromptu stop at the Tumble Inn Diner in Claremont; and  participated in a forum on Foreign Policy and the War in Iraq at Keene State College. 

-Sen. Graham visited NH on July 17-19, 2003 On July 17 he delivered a major economic policy speech at Page Belting Co. in Concord; and did meet and greet at Race Fever 2003 on Main Street in downtown Concord.  On July 18 he spoke at the Politics & Eggs forum at the Bedford Village Inn in Bedford and did meetings the rest of the day.  On July 19 he spent the morning in Exeter, doing meet and greet at Loaf and Ladle Restaurant, and then touring the Revolutionary War Festival downtown; in the afternoon he met and greeted race fans at New Hampshire International Speedway in Loudon.

-Sen. Graham visited NH on July 3-6, 2003
On July 3 in Manchester he did a meet and greet with Derry Democrats at Maryanne's Restaurant; a roundtable at Father Burns Senior Center; and a meet and greet over dinner at the Puritan Backroom Restaurant. 
On July 4 he and wife Adele appeared in the Amherst and Merrimack Independence Day Parades; attended the Lerner family picnic in Hollis; and attended the Portsmouth Independence Day Festival at Prescott Park in Portsmouth. 
On July 5  he did a workday as a conductor on the Conway Scenic Railroad in North Conway.  Also on July 5, Adele Graham did a tea at the Tamworth Historical Society. 
On July 6 Sen. Graham attended services at the First Congregational Church in Manchester.

-Sen. Graham visited NH on June 14, 2003.  He was special guest at a Flag Day breakfast hosted by Manchester City Democrats at the Tower Cafe; did a meet and greet at Calef's Country Store in Barrington; and attended a house party at the home of Rep. Teri. Norelli in Portsmouth.

-Sen. Graham visited NH on May 24, 2003.  He greeted people at Robie's Country Store in Hooksett upon the occasion of its re-opening; attended a meet and greet hosted by Cheshire County Democrats at the Pub Restaurant in Keene; and attended a meet and greet at Kendal at Hanover.  Note: This trip was originally scheduled for two days, May 23-24, 2003.  On May 22 the campaign scratched the first day of the trip due to debate and voting on the tax bill that Friday in the Senate.  (The May 23 schedule, cancelled,  included an appearance on The Exchange at NHPR in Concord; a closed meeting with the leadership of the NEA NH in Concord; a tour of the NH Presidential Primary exhibit at the Museum of New Hampshire History in Concord; greeting diners at Mary Ann's Restaurant in Derry; and taping the WMUR Town Hall Forum at WMUR studios in Manchester).

-Sen. Graham visited NH on May 8-10, 2003 following the official announcement of his candidacy in Florida.  On the evening of May 8 he attended a house party at the home of Susan and Bob Dolan in Manchester.  On May 9 he did a Workday, teaching U.S. History, Government and World Cultures at Oyster River High School in Durham from 7:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.  He then met with UNH Democrats in the Memorial Union Building, and in the evening did a meet and greet at the Old Ferry Landing Restaurant in Portsmouth.  On the morning of May 10 he did a meet and greet at Pine Street Eatery in Nashua. 

-Sen. Graham visited NH on April 17-18, 2003.  On April 17 in Manchester he met with NHDP chair Kathy Sullivan at her law firm; met with Mayor Bob Baines at City Hall, and had lunch with Baines at the Merrimack Restaurant.  Proceeding to Concord, he appeared on Arnie Arnesen's radio talk show and visited with legislative leaders at the State House.  Back in Manchester he spoke to a regional council meeting of the NH National Education Association and did a “Down and Dirty Barbecue with Bob Graham” at the Alpine Club.  On April 18 in Manchester he did interviews with CNBC and WMUR.  In Concord he visited the NHDP office and met the staff; met with John and Mary Rauh, and had lunch at The Barley House with the Rauhs and lobbyist Jim Monahan.


Copyright © 2003  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.