Joel D. Taylor - President, Cyclones for Dean
Sept. 14, 2003 e-mails I first became aware of Gov. Dean in September 2002 when he came to central Iowa for several events during the mid-term election cycle. Dean did a few house parties and some campaigning with John Norris when he ran for Congress in Iowa's District 4. I was volunteering with the Norris campaign and got to read up on Dean info when I helped with mailings and callings. His healthcare plan was what drew my attention to him, but I did not choose him as my candidate until this summer when my father was laid off from the hospital he worked for due to a financial shortage from the inequality in Medicare reimbursements. At that time I met several candidates and realized that Dean's positions were where I stood, and his enthusiasm is what made me realize that I can help to change the system. From there it was a hop-step-jump to starting and running Cyclones For Dean. Cyclones For Dean is just starting up. We have several events planned during the next few months. Due to our "youthful enthusiasm" we were given the opportunity to run the local Dean Corps, so we're making cross-generational ties among Dean supporters, as well as helping our community. (Dean Corps is a group of Dean supporters volunteering in their community to improve it- across America we're doing everything from Habitat For Humanity projects, working in food banks, cleaning streams and assisting the needy. Dean Corps came about as a reflection on how Howard Dean got started in politics by working to build a bike trail in Vermont.) Some of our upcoming activities include running a water
station in a local running event (Sept 20th), harvesting seeds for prairie
restoration (October 4th), student voter-registration drive (TBA), a bike
ride around Ames and a bike ride across central Iowa (both TBA), and a
food-pantry drive (early November). Another possible event Cyclones For
Dean is thinking about is working with the other campaigns to produce a
Mock-Caucus for several local high schools.
Karla Hardy - President, Students for Kerry
Sept. 15, 2003 e-mail I became aware of Senator John Kerry after I read the foreign policy speech he gave at Georgetown University on January 23, 2003, and I made the decision to support his campaign in March 2003. I appreciate Senator Kerry's vision concerning foreign policy and our relations with other nations as well as in his energy policy and strong environmental record. He understands the concept of leaving our country better than he found it; our international relations, clean air and water, energy independence are all issues that affect our children and grandchildren, not just selfishly 'making it through the day.' He fought an unpopular battle before Congress when he was our age, and he's been fighting important battles for Americans ever since. I truly believe he is the candidate who can beat George W. Bush in 2004 and lead our country in a stronger direction. Students for Kerry and others joined Senator Kerry on
Iowa State's campus on Saturday, Sept. 13 for a dynamic question and answer
session and poster-signing. Look out for more events coming soon.
Sept. 16, 2003 e-mail
I had looked into John Edwards. I also went to hear Dennis Kucinich speak on campus; I was impressed with his position on the issues, but I found his approach impractical. I've become familiar with each of the candidates since then. John Kerry has the experience and foresight to lead this nation. |
Cassi A. Johnson - President, ISU Students for Kucinich
Sept. 25, 2003 e-mail I first became aware of Rep. Kucinich when a friend forwarded me material about his sustainable agriculture policy earlier this summer. Then, at a Fair Trade workshop I attended shortly thereafter, I learned of his excellent voting record on trade and labor issues. I began to look more closely at his voting record/ stance on other issues and realized that I had to support his campaign in any way that I could-- there isn't one issue about which I disagree with his stance. I began attending the activities of the Iowa and Story
County for Kucinich groups, and when school started there were several
of us involved at this level who realized we needed to be active on campus
as well. Rep. Kucinich has been in Iowa frequently this spring and
summer, so there were quite a few students who had seen him speak and were
really enthusiastic about getting involved in the campaign. Our student
group has had several organizational meetings to date, as well as a "house
party for peace" in conjunction with International Peace Day events last
week. We will table weekly throughout the semester to reach students
who want to be involved and get information to students who aren't familiar
with Rep. Kucinich's