United Food and Commercial Workers Local
1445 and Additional 17 Prominent Former Gephardt Supporters Announce for
John Kerry in the Granite State
Joining the 25 former Gephardt Supporters
in NH who Declared Yesterday
MANCHESTER, N.H. – John Kerry today welcomed the support of Local 1445
of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and an additional
17 leading supporters from Dick Gephardt’s presidential campaign.
Yesterday, 25 Gephardt supporters in New Hampshire signed up with John
Kerry’s campaign for president, making the total number of Gephardt backers
who have moved to support Kerry so far 42.
UFCW Local 1445 represents more than 17,000 working people and their
families in northeastern New England, 700 of them in New Hampshire. Its
members work in department stores, food processing, banking industry, health
care profession, manufacturing industry and supermarkets across the region.
The UFCW national had endorsed Gephardt for president.
“Local 1445 has known Senator Kerry for many years. We know firsthand
his active, unwavering commitment to our members – to all workers and their
families in New England,” said UFCW Local 1445 President Richard Charette.
“John Kerry has always stood with working families, stood up to special
interests and worked hard to ensure greater fairness for all
American workers. We’re very grateful for his courage on these
issues and are delighted to offer him our support.”
“I am proud to have earned the support of these New Hampshire activists
and workers,” John Kerry said today. “I promise New Hampshire and
America that I will continue to fight for working Americans, against special
interests, to create a better tomorrow for us all. Dick Gephardt
has served as a leader in that fight, and it is very encouraging to have
the support of so
many of his Granite State backers as we move towards the primary.”
The former Gephardt supporters who announced their support for John
Kerry today are:
John Hoar, President of the NH Association
for the Elderly
Representative John DeJoie, Concord, Firefighter
Gabby Daneault, Allenstown, former State Representative
Peter Flood, Merrimack, environmental leader
and former candidate for Congress
Jackie Flood, Merrimack activist
Bill McCann, former State Representative,
former school board Chair, State Committee member, 2002 candidate for executive
Maurine Duval, Manchester, Democratic Activist
Rep. Eric Palangas, Manchester, Firefighter
Rep. Roland Lefebrve, Nashua
Eddie DuBlois, Berlin, President of PACE Local
Greta Moran, Merrimack, Chair of Merrimack
Betty Thibodeau, Seabrook, Chair of Seabrook
Ken Leidner, Concord, prominent Veteran
Representative Nancy Scovner, Enfield
Bob Guest, Lebanon, former State Representative
Janet Fortnam, Concord, former State Representative
Jeanette Belanger, Berlin
Prominent Gephardt supporters who announced their support of John Kerry
for President yesterday include:
Dennis Adams, Hampton, Secretary—Treasurer
of the NH Building Trades Council
Mark Bodi, Manchester, Democratic activist
Ann Bourque, Manchester, former State Senator
and former Alderman
Jennifer Brown, Dover, Democratic State Committee
Ron Chagnon, Farmington, Strafford County
George Disnard, Claremont, former State Senator
John Early, Manchester, Democratic activist
Paul Grenier, Berlin, City Councilor and Coos
County Commissioner
John Hynes, Portsmouth, City Councilor
Bev Ingersoll, Berlin, City Councilor
Steve Johnson, Manchester, former Executive
Council candidate
Jacqueline Johnson, Manchester, Democratic
John Kacavas, Manchester, former State Representative
Chris Kehas, Manchester, former School Board
Debra Kudalis, Nashua, State Representative
Paul McEachern, Portsmouth, State Representative
and former Democratic nominee for Governor
J.P. Nadeau, Portsmouth, former Rockingham
County Democratic Committee Chair
Justin Nadeau, Portsmouth, Democratic activist
Deborah Pignatelli, Nashua, former State Senator
Michael Pignatelli, Nashua, former Alderman
Frank Reidy, Manchester, former State Representative
Helen Reidy, Manchester, Democratic activist
Hank Thibeault, Manchester, Alderman
Mary Beth Walz, Bow, Democratic activist
Mary Whitehead, Merrimack, Democratic activist
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