N.H. Bradley Campaign Dep. Susan Calegari Endorses Kerry
Joins Other Leaders of Bill Bradley’s Campaign in Backing John Kerry
MANCHESTER, NH – Calling John Kerry the only Democrat who can “unite Americans and go toe-to-toe with George Bush,” Susan Calegari, Deputy Director of Bill Bradley’s 2000 New Hampshire campaign, today announced her support for John Kerry for President.
Calegari joins other leaders of Bill Bradley’s 2000 New Hampshire campaign
who are backing John Kerry in 2004, including 2000 Bradley convention delegate
Marilyn Hoffman, Londonderry; 2000 Bradley convention delegate Randy Benthien,
Goffstown; 2000 Bradley convention alternate David Watters, Dover; State
Senator Clif Below, Lebanon; State Rep. Susan Almy, Lebanon; Ellie Carpenito,
Salem; Clare Callaghan, Manchester; Candace Dale, Concord; Cora DerKoorkanian,
Manchester; George DerKoorkanian, Manchester; Karen Dudra, Peterborough;
Abby Easterly, Manchester; Katy Easterly, Manchester; former Portsmouth
Mayor Eileen Foley; Donna Herrmann, Exeter; Richard Herrmann, Exeter; Paul
Hodes, Concord; Alan Hoffman, Londonderry; Peter Howe, Keene; former State
Senator and gubernatorial nominee Wayne King,
Rumney; former Merrimack County Democratic Chair Scott McGuffin, Northfield;
former Concord Mayor and Executive Councilor Malcolm McLane; David Nixon,
Manchester; Hampton Town Democratic Chair Lenore Patton; Gary Patton, Hampton;
Alan Reische, Manchester; Joan Reische, Manchester; Stephen Shurtleff,
Penacook; Freda Smith, Salem
"New Hampshire Democrats must keep their eyes on the prize - winning
back the White House in 2004. There is a very strong Democratic field,
and each candidate has much to offer our country, but John Kerry is the
only candidate with the domestic and foreign policy experience and qualifications
who can mount a national campaign to unite Americans and go toe-to-toe
George Bush, and who is ready to govern the country," said Calegari.
A veteran political and community activist, Susan Calegari was the New
Hampshire Director of Gary Hart’s presidential campaign in 1987 and was
a Hart national convention delegate in 1984. She became the co-chair of
Bruce Babbitt’s 1988 New Hampshire campaign after Hart withdrew from the
race. A former public school teacher, Calegari professionally specializes
in fundraising and public relations for non-profit organizations and is
currently the Director of Development at
Odyssey House. She is a long-time resident of Northfield, New Hampshire.