For the past two and a half years, I have led a national effort for peace, for social and economic justice and health care for all. My campaign reached every state and territory. We participated in every primary and caucus. We pointed our party towards new directions. I am here to say that the next critical step we must take is to help elect John Kerry the next President of the United States.
Today I am happy to endorse the Kerry-Edwards ticket. And I look forward to helping to lead the way to elect John Kerry President and John Edwards Vice President of the United States.
With the same passion and commitment I demonstrated in my own campaign for President, I intend to reach out on behalf of the Kerry-Edwards ticket to unite our party with all those who may have felt left out. I will let them know that the time has come to unite in a common effort for change which is essential not only for America but for the world.
John Kerry can win because there is a place within the Democratic party for everyone, including those who may be thinking of supporting Ralph Nader. Most people know I have many of the same commitments Ralph has.
If there is room for me in the party and the Kerry-Edwards campaign, there is certainly room for Ralph and for his supporters.
Let's unite to create a new government, a new direction, a new opportunity, and new progress.
The tens of thousands of volunteers who helped our campaign across America will be enlisted to help the Kerry-Edwards ticket. Those delegates who pledged to me at the convention will be asked to join the Kerry- Edwards delegates in our sweep to victory. This convention will be a great celebration of John Kerry, John Edwards and our Democratic Party and its capacity to restore hope for all Americans.
The word is unity. My volunteers united at the Democratic Platform and we will unite now because we recognize that unity is essential to bring change in November. Unity is essential to repair America. Unity is essential to set America on a new path.
John Kerry is a good friend and a decent man. He has a lifelong commitment of honorable service to our nation as a soldier and as a Senator. He can be trusted with power. He will help heal America. He has outstanding intellectual gifts he will bring to the White House and to world affairs. I am proud to stand here to say I will do everything possible to make John Kerry the next President of the United States.
With your help and mine we will make sure he wins my home state of Ohio, the industrial Midwest and the White House.
Dennis Kucinich