Former Attorney General Greg Smith to Chair
"Independents for Joe" Steering Committee
MANCHESTER, NH - More than 275 Independent voters, including former New Hampshire Attorney General Greg Smith, today endorsed Joe Lieberman for President. Smith will serve as co-chair of the new "Independents for Joe" steering committee along with John McCain's former Strafford County Chair Leonard Arkerson.
Smith - a life-long registered Independent - served as Attorney General in the Granite State from 1980 to 1984. He is one of the few Independents ever selected for a constitutional office in NH and the only one to endorse a candidate in 2004.
"Joe Lieberman puts principle before politics, and that's why I am supporting
him," said Smith. "I have made it a practice to choose the best candidate
based on his or her qualifications and record not on party affiliation.
Joe Lieberman offers a rare combination of intelligence and integrity.
He's a candidate who has demonstrated courage and conviction in public
office, and he is guided by what is right rather than perceptions of what
would be popular."
"Joe Lieberman is clearly the best candidate for Independent-minded
voters," said Arkerson. "Like John McCain, Joe Lieberman is a straight-talker
and tells it like it is. He offers a strong, tough foreign policy
and a progressive domestic agenda. He's the only one who can defeat George
Bush in November by appealing to Independents."
This group of 280 Independents join the already more than 100 former
McCain supporters for Lieberman and represent more than 100 communities
across the state.
"These Independent voters are sending a message today that this is
a time for unity and leadership and to reject the extremes of both parties,"
said Lieberman. "I am proud to receive this endorsement from Greg
Smith and all these other independent-minded Granite Staters."
The 280 Independents endorsing Lieberman today include:
Barbara T. Ahearn, Hampton
Faith Alger, Portsmouth
Joel Allen, Barrington
Jeanne Allinson, Portsmouth
Leonard Arkerson, Middleton
Justin Ambrose, Nashua
Eileen Amburg, Hudson
Josh Anderson, Ossipee
Dr. Timothy Antaya, Hampton Falls
Ann L. Antaya, Hampton Falls
Mark Antone, Newton
Alice Antone, Newton
Edith Argereow, Portsmouth
Jeffrey Babington, Nashua
Robert Babler, Campton
Walter Baird, Danville
Christopher Bamford, Salem
Timothy Bamford, Salem
William Barber, Manchester
Mary Bearor, Merrimack
John Bell, Keene
Lawrence Bell, Atkinson
Patricia Bell, Atkinson
Marshall Bergeron, Keene
Kenny Berman, Concord
Kenneth Binstock, Deerfield
Stella Bloom, Nashua
Armand Boivin, Goffstown
Robert Bonner, Meredith
Edward Bowser, Henniker
Reba Bowser, Henniker
Dick Boyd, Concord
Kathryn Brigham, Concord
Rich Brouseau, Salem
Mary Budroe, Conway
Warren Buffum, Harrisville
Jen Burk, Keene
Dave Burrows, Merrimack
Donna Burrows, Merrimack
Meaghan Byrne, Bedford
Helen Cail, Londonderry
Carole Cameron, Hudson
Scott Caplain, Chocorua
Maria Caplette, Rochester
Leslie Castor, Keene
Jean Catlender, Merrimack
Despina Cherevas, Nashua
Fred Cherico, Merrimack
Lucille Cherico, Merrimack
Elaine Clark, Salem
Anne Clement, Walpole
Robert Clement, Walpole
Sarah Clement, Walpole
Gayle Clogston, Rumney
Cynthia Codner, Londonderry
Robert Coffey, Webster
Menashe Cohen, Peterborough
Richard Collier, Portsmouth
Thomasina Convoy, Swanzey
Lillian Cote, Franklin
Edwards Crabtree, Effingham
Betty Crabtree, Effingham
Erik Crago, Portsmouth
Sarah Crisman, Nashua
Robert A. Croker, Durham
Stephen Paul Cullinane, Derry
William Cunningham, Rochester
Vincent Currier, Merrimack
Gloria Currier, Merrimack
Andrew Dagoumas, Sanbornton
Randy Davis, Jackson
Thelma Davis, Jackson
Anne Decasare, Atkinson
Tracey Degges, Manchester
Joan Degrandpre, Rindge
Dick Demeco Nelson
Louis Despirito, Derry
Debra Devine, Merrimack
Charles Dill, Wolfeboro
Eleanor Dill, Wolfeboro
Daniel Dillon, Merrimack
Charlton Dobson, Portsmouth
Arlene Dole, Bristol
Robert Doucette, Milton
Lawrence Dowling, Pembroke
Helen Drazyk, Exeter
Ed Drumm, Hampton Falls
Jack Dunaway, Portsmouth
Earle Duncan, Campton
Virginia Dunn, Plymouth
Kenneth Dyrsten, Laconia
James Eaton, New Durham
Johnathan Edwards, Hanover
Kraig Emery, Penacook
Frank Engel, Plymouth
David Essensa, Exeter
Linda Evers, Nashua
Carol Faragi, New Hampton
Eileen Ferguson, Bedford
Paula J. Field, North Hampton
Doris Fitzpatrick, Franklin
Tina Frechette, Manchester
Dennis Freeman, Milton
Diane Gaffney, Swanzey
Roland Gagne, Nashua
Marie Garneau, Manchester
Reszo Gaspar, Glen
Irene Ghuste, Salem
Denise Ghuste, Salem
Richard T. Giglio, Freedom
Diane Ginsberg, Keene
Marilyn Gladstone, Nashua
Pauline Gladstone, Nashua
Aaron Goldstein, Nashua
Leon Goldstein, Nashua
Robert Goldstein, Nashua
Raymond Goulet, Portsmouth
Carl Granquist, Swanzey
Nancy Gray, Waterville Valley
Sheldon Gray, Colebrook
Alan Green, Nashua
Lori Greer, Keene
Jeffrey Gregoire, Bedford
Yan Grushovksy, Stratham
Christine Guerin, Londonderry
Armand Guillemette, Manchester
Gerald Gulezain, Londonderry
David Haag, Ossipee
Linda J. Hand, Salem
Tina Harmon, Manchester
Beth Harrold, Winchester
Tom Harrold, Winchester
Scott Haskell, Exeter
Margaret R. Healy, Gilmanton
James Henebry, Hampton Falls
John Henriquez, Portsmouth
Alice Hofstetter-Mange, Boscawen
Frank H. Holmes, Hopkinton
Marilyn Holsberg, Nashua
Douglas Homer, Exeter
Keri Hopkins, Enfield
Pauline Horan, Newport
Lois Hubbard, Keene
Richard Jardine, Keene
Pauline Johnson, Derry
Michael Joy, Nashua
Beth Kangas, New Ipswich
Stephanie Kennedy, Gorham
Jane Kerr, Wolfeboro
Thomas Kilmister, Loudon
Theo Kilmister, Loudon
Gary Kudalis, Pelham
Annette Kurman, Hampstead
Adam LaFrance, Newmarket
John Landry, Ossipee
Janine Larin, Berlin
Christen LaRocca, Hampstead
Marilyn Lehane, Westmoreland
David Levene, Dublin
Grisel Levene, Dublin
Barbara Lindsey, Keene
Jane Little, Milford
Nickolas Loupis, Enfield
Joe MacIntyre, Nashua
Paul Martin, Hudson
Daren McGettigan, Wilton
Jim McNulty, Concord
Kathleen Medvidofsky, Keene
Adam Mermer, Nashua
Ken Mermer, Nashua
Anthony Migetz, Berlin
Bernice Migetz, Berlin
Paul Miller, Nashua
Daniel Mills, Durham
Joyce Mills, Durham
Matt Monahan, Goffstown
Joe Monahan, Goffstown
Margaret Moore, Durham
Marilyn Morel, Keene
Lawrence Morris, Salem
Martin Mugar, Durham
Stella Nestor, Claremont
Stephen Noyer, Newbury
Brian O'Connor, Manchester
Sheila O'Meara, Rumney
Rich Padova, Concord
Arthur Pappas, Manchester
Lena Paradis, Claremont
John Paradis, Claremont
Robert Partridge, Sanbornville
Claire Partridge, Sanbornville
J.D. Pasteris, Newmarket
Merilee Patty, Alstead
Jessica Paul, Manchester
John Peters, Manchester
Calvin Peterka, Portsmouth
Carol Peterka, Portsmouth
Stephanie Pines, Durham
Deborah Plante, Dover
Joann Platt, Stark
Franklin Platt, Stark
Sharon Poissant, Dover
Al Poissant, Dover
Stephen Poole, Salem
Denise Prinopoulos, Somersworth
Sandra Putney, Danbury
Wayne Pronzati, Danville
Edith Quereux, Keene
Ruthanne Raulerson, Bedford
Tinka Reed, Jaffrey
Rose Richmond, Manchester
David Rimbach, Rye
Marie Roach, Plaistow
Nathan Robbins, Epping
Edward Roberts, Charlestown
Michael Roberts, Jaffrey
Terry Robicheau, Manchester
Joyce Rodgers, Salem
Amanda Rodier, Manchester
Shannon Rondeau, Antrim
Bob Rosenthal, Manchester
Mary Rottenberg, Portsmouth
Julia Rudman, Tilton
Richard Saunders, Hanover
Virginia Savarese, Nashua
Scott Scharer, Exeter
Robert Schundler, Wolfboro
Scott Silver, Nashua
Elliot Silver, Nashua
Louie Smirnioudis, Concord
Greg Smith, Concord
Lisa M. Smith, Center Barnstead
Cynthia Snow, Jaffrey
Adam Sosnow, Manchester
Peter Stanhope, Durham
Corey Steele, Londonderry
Bryan Steneri, Somersworth
Diane Steneri, Somersworth
Deborah Stoner, Nashua
Melvin Stoner, Nashua
Dennis Sweatt, Greenland
Margaret Talcott, Exeter
Catherine Thompson, Amherst
Edna Tilton, Portsmouth
Roland Tilton, Portsmouth
Angela Tokarski, New Ipswich
Albert Traficante, Salem
Barbara Traficante, Salem
Gloria Trefethen, Newington
Mark Troiano, Campton
Grace Tucker, Exeter
Linda Tunkel, Nashua
Devina M. Tusi, Laconia
Judy Vincent, Merrimack
Beverly Walsh, Rindge
Jeremy Warren, Hudson
Linda Wason, Raymond
Therese M. Waters, Enfield
Charles Watkins, Dover
Roselle Weingart, Peterborough
Scot Weisman, Nashua
Theresa Welch, Milford
Steve Weyl, Bedford
Evelyn White, Rochester
Leonard White, Rochester
Michael White, Amherst
Alan Whitney, Plymouth
Bonnie Lou Wickland, Fitzwilliam
Rose Willey, Ossipee
William Willey, Ossipee
Mary Wojcik Hanover
Tracy Wood, Sanbornton
Edward Woodbury, Rumney
Jean Woodbury, Rumney
Remona Woods, Rochester
Jeff Xenakis, Plaistow
Marjorie Yurek, Claremont
Angela Zouvelos, Pelham