For Immediate Release
November 16, 2003
Contact: Kristin Carvell
New “McCain Supporters for Joe Lieberman” Steering Committee Includes
Nearly a Dozen Former Town Chairs
AMHERST, NH – More than 40 former New Hampshire supporters of John McCain today endorsed Joe Lieberman for President. Lieberman’s campaign also announced the creation of a new steering committee, McCain Supporters for Joe Lieberman, which includes nearly a dozen former McCain Town Chairs.
“I’m supporting Joe Lieberman for President because, like John McCain, he is a man of integrity and a straight talker,” said McCain’s former town chair in New Castle, Peter Rice. “I want a President like Joe Lieberman – one who will do what he thinks is right, not what is easy or politically popular.”
Several steering committee members will be joining Lieberman in NH throughout the day today in Amherst, Manchester, Salem and Hampton Falls.
“Joe Lieberman has always fought to protect our environment, which he demonstrated most recently when he co-sponsored legislation to combat global warming with John McCain,” said former McCain supporter and environmental activist Rebecca Scott of Hampton. “Now I’m ready to fight for Joe Lieberman.”
The Lieberman campaign is also distributing a letter signed by several McCain Town Chairs early next week to 25,000 NH households announcing the McCain endorsers and why they're supporting Joe Lieberman. The letters are being targeted to voters that supported McCain in 2000.
“I’m proud to earn the support of so many McCain supporters and town chairs,” said Lieberman. “John and I understand that when it comes time to answer the big questions, you shouldn’t waffle, you shouldn’t pander, and you shouldn’t bob and weave. You’ve got to do what you think is right.”
“John McCain and I are as independent-minded as the voters of New Hampshire. And that’s why I’m confident that many of the voters who supported him are going to support me come Election Day.”
Excerpt from letter by former McCain Town Chairs:
Both John McCain and Joe Lieberman offer the best of American leadership - integrity, independence and honesty. We fell short of our goal to elect an independent-minded President in 2000. With Joe Lieberman, we have an opportunity to return integrity to the White House. But we need your help.
When John McCain ended his campaign in 2000 he asked us to do one thing.
“Promise me that you will never give up, that you will continue your service in the worthy cause of revitalizing our democracy. Our crusade will never accomplish all its goals if your voices fall silent in our national debate.”
We have taken the Senator up on his offer and proudly support Joe Lieberman. Please, join us in bringing integrity back to Washington. Join us in supporting Joe Lieberman for President.
Complete List of 41-Member “McCain Supporters for Joe Lieberman” Steering Committee:
Former McCain town chairs:
Robert Berti, Rumney
Charles Burnham, Strafford
Charlie DeRham, Franconia
Bill Gilmore, Rye
Judy Markley, Auburn
Jim McKinnon, Ossipee
Peter Rice, New Castle
Cathy Sterling, Newport
Rick Sterling, Newport
Bob Stone, Charlestown
Van Wallace, Farmington
Former McCain supporters:
Corrine Baker, Hampton
Patricia Baker, Seabrook
Henry Beck, Walpole
Don Byrne, Bedford
Mark Carboni, Merrimack
Philip Chandler, Bow
Bruce Comes, Londonderry
Catharine Comes, Londonderry
Rhonda Della Sala, Nashua
Randy Dirth, Bedford
Carol Edwards, Hanover
Roger Gardner, Manchester
Dan Giaquinto, Merrimack
Roye Ginsberg, Keene
Wren Gleason, Amherst
Chris Gostyla, Hancock
Jean Gove, Seabrook
Jay Kahn, Keene
Louis Kaletsky, Walpole
Peter Krumhansl, Amherst
Frank Lantagne, Gilford
Lorraine Perkins, Nashua
Melinde Lutz Sanborn, Derry
Rebecca Scott, Hampton
Stephen Scott, Hampton
Irwin Shapiro, Woodsville
Ken Sherr, Pelham
Myra Sobel, Nashua
Kathie Taylor, Manchester
Kristen Welch, Amherst