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-Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa
DeLauro is scheduled to campaign for Sen. Lieberman in NH on January
13, 2004. She plans to meet local residents in Wilton on a Main
Street walk starting at Hayward's Trading Post; speak to seniors at West
Side Senior Center in Manchester; and speak to parents and administrators
at the RISE-IDEA Early Intervention Center in Keene.
-Connecticut Democratic Chair
George Jepson is scheduled to campaign for Sen. Lieberman in NH
on January 11, 2004. He plans to greet veterans with Manchester
Alderman Mike Lopez at the American Legion Sweeney Post in Manchester,
then join Lieberman for the endorsement announcement at Manchester headquarters.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on
7-11, 2004.
-Hadassah Lieberman is scheduled
to visit NH, January 7-?, 2004, doing a"County Days with
Hadassah Tour."
-Sen. Lieberman and Hadassah visited NH on January
5, 2004. He shared a "Cup of Joe" with Patrons at Tilt'n Diner
in Tilton; discussed healthcare costs with workers at Belknap Tire in Laconia;
participated in a roundtable discussion on healthcare quality at Lilac
City Pediatrics in Rochester; Hadassah joined him and they hosted a town
meeting at Raymond High School in Raymond; he spoke at the New England
Community Action Association 2004 Presidential Forum at Sheraton Tara in
Nashua; they attended a house party at Medford Farms Retirement Community
in Goffstown; and attended a house party at the home of Jane Little in
-Sen. Lieberman and wife Hadassah visited NH
on January 1-2, 2004. On January 1 in Manchester he
and Hadassah met local residents and watched football games at Jillian's
Billiard Club; met local residents and watched football games at Billy's
Sports Bar & Grill; [a planned stop at Amoskeag
Bingo was cancelled due to a time crunch]; hosted a house party
at their new apartment; and attended a house party at the home of Bob and
Frances Shaine. On January 2 they meet local residents at
Blake's Diner; met "Clinton Pen Pal" Mary Hill and local residents at Mamos
Market in Concord; and held a roundtable discussion on domestic violence
at the home of Bob & Pam Bournival in Bedford.
2003: 23 visits, 47 days.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on December
28, 2003, a trip featuring brief stops at various restaurants.
Starting at noon he greeted local residents at The Gateway Restaurant in
Somersworth; greeted local residents at Owl's Nest Cottages Store &
Restaurant in Alton Bay; greet local residents at Hart's Turkey Farm (restaurant)
in Meredith; greeted local residents at Windmill Family Restaurant in Concord;
greeted local residents at Manchester Bingo Center in Manchester; and met
local activists at a house party at the home of Perry and Jan Silver in
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on December 21-23,
-Hadassah Lieberman is scheduled
to visit NH on December 18, 2003. She planned to pick
up the keys to the Lieberman family apartment in Manchester; greet locals
at the Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester; and open the campaign's regional
office at 20 Tremont Square in Claremont. (This
trip was originally scheduled for December 15, 2003).
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH
on December 16, 2003. At mid-day he delivered
a major economic and foreign policy speech highlighting the differences
between himself and Howard Dean at Electropac Co. Inc. in Manchester; [gap];
and in the early evening he visited with diners at Martha's Exchange in
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman visited
on December 13-14, 2003. On the evening of December 13
she attended a holiday party at the home of state Rep. Corey Corbin in
Sandown. On the morning of December 14 she met with local
diners at Red Arrow Diner in Manchester. (The
rest of the schedule was cancelled due to inclement weather; she had planned
to greet local residents on a Main Street walk starting at Timoleon's Restaurant
in Keene; and march in the Merrimack Holiday Parade in downtown Merrimack).
-The Lieberman campaign aired
a half-hour forum on WMUR at 7 p.m. on December 13, 2003.
-Former Congressman Jim Maloney
(CT-5) campaigned for Lieberman in NH on December 12, 2003.
He visited with local diners at Tea Bird's Diner in Berlin; toured Main
Street in Berlin; and visited with seniors at Berlin Senior Center; then
visited with seniors at VFW 8214 in Manchester; and spoke at a rally at
the campaign's headquarters on Elm Street in Manchester.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH
on December 9-11, 2003.
-On December 2, 2003 the
campaign announced it has signed a seven-week lease on a two bedroom, one
bath apartment in downtown Manchester, NH. The home will be
used by Lieberman and by members of his family as they campaign in December
and January.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on December
1-4, 2003, to the theme of "Valuing Families Agenda."
-Sen. Lieberman visited Manchester,
NH on the morning
of November 28, 2003. He met with locals at Chez Vachon; and
discussed his middle class tax plan at Sully's Superette.
-[Sen. Lieberman had been
scheduled to visit NH
November 24, 2003 but postponed
the trip due to Senate votes on Medicare. He had planned town halls
with seniors in Dover and Concord].
-The campaign conducted a North
Country blitz the week of November 17-21, 2003; more than 20 field
staffers based in Lincoln canvassed 10,000 households in 13 towns and cities.
"Operation Liebermania Part II: A Joe-Vember to Remember"
a stretch of 17 days from November 3-19; during 15 of those days a member
of the Lieberman family is scheduled to be in the state.
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman is
scheduled to speak to students at Wilton Lyndeborough High School in Wilton,
on November 14, 2003. (On the evening of November 13 she spoke
at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA).
-Hadassah Lieberman is scheduled
to visit two domestic violence centers in NH on November 12,
2003. She plans to speak and listen at Bridges in Nashua and
at A Safe Place in Portsmouth.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on November
9-10, 2003 continuing the campaign's "Operation Liebermania Part II:
A Joe-Vember to Remember." On November 9 he canvassed with
volunteers in Rochester; held a town hall meeting at Daniel Webster College
in Nashua; and attended a house party at the home of Randall Carmel in
Keene. On November 10 he visited with patrons at Lindy's Diner
in Keene; and unveiled his plan on long term care at the Havenwood Senior
Home in Concord.
-Son Matt Lieberman toured and
spoke to three classes at Milford High School in Milford, NH on
the morning of November 7, 2003.
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman toured
high schools and colleges in NH on November 5-6, 2003.
On November 5 she spoke to students at Regional Services and Educational
Center Academy in Amherst; at Raymond High School in Raymond; at UNH in
Durham; at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter; and attended a house party
sponsored by Gays and Lesbians for Lieberman at the home of State Rep.
Corey Corbin in Sandown. On November 6 she participated in
a town hall meeting with students at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke.
-Sen. Lieberman arrived in NH on the evening of
November 4 after the "America Rocks the Vote" forum in Boston; on the morning
of November 5 he did a town hall with workers at BAE Systems in
-Hadassah Lieberman visited NH
on November 3, 2003, kicking off "Operation Liebermania Part II:
A Joe-Vember to Remember." She toured and met with residents at Genesis-Ridgewood
Center (senior center) in Bedford; tour and met with workers at Second
Start (day-care and continuing education center) in Concord; and attended
the opening of the Laconia Regional Campaign Office on Pleasant Street.
-Hadassah Lieberman visited
on October 30, 2003. She toured the Little Frogs and Polliwogs
day care facility in Manchester; and met with the Concord Business and
Professional Women's Association at Common Man Restaurant in Concord.
-The Lieberman campaign started
running TV
ads in NH on October 29, 2003.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on October
27-28, 2003 as part of his ongoing "Leading with Integrity" tour; he
traveled on board the "Integity One WinnebaJoe." Starting at mid-day
on October 27 he spoke and answered questions at the Rochester Rotary
Club; participated in the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall
at UNH in Durham; and spoke and answered questions at the Institute of
Politics at St. Anselm College in Goffstown. On
October 28
he spoke and answered questions before the Concord Chamber of Commerce
at the Holiday Inn in Concord; participated in a candidate forum at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Hospital in Lebanon; attended the grand opening of the campaign's regional
office at on West Park Street in Lebanon;and made an impromptu stop at
Caesario's Pizza on Elm St in Manchester before heading back to Washington.
-Son Matt Lieberman visited NH
on October 23-24, 2003. On the evening of October
23 he attended the NHDP Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at the Center of New
Hampshire. On the morning of October 24 he spoke to a class at Parker
Academy in Concord; and hosted the opening of the Salem regional campaign
office at 232 North Broadway.
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman spoke
to students at six schools in NH on October 16-17, 2003.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on October 13, 2003
as part of his weeklong "Leading with Integrity" tour. He visited
Timoleon's Diner in Keene; traveled from Keene to Manchester on the "WinnebaJoe;"
delivered a major speech on his vision for the country at Arms Park in
Manchester; and traveled to Boston's Logan Airport on the "WinnebaJoe."
-Sen. Lieberman attended church services and addressed
the congregation at New Hope Baptist Church in Portsmouth,
NH on
5, 2003.
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman attended
NARAL-NH's "Recipes for Choice" Event at SEE Science Center in Manchester,
on the evening of September 17, 2003.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on September 14-15,
2003 as part of "Operation: Liebermania." (On September 13 volunteers
kicked off a statewide canvass.) On September 14-15 Lieberman and
wife Hadassah, son Matt, daughter Rebecca, mother Marcia were in state.
-Son Matt Lieberman visited
Concord, NH on September 4, 2003. He greeted state
legislators coming back to session with a "Cup of Joe" at the State House
steps; greeted area residents and supporters and visited local businesses
on Main Street starting at Bagel Works; and attended the official opening
of the Concord regional campaign office at 40 N. Main Street.
-Daughter Rebecca Lieberman
visited NH on September 2, 2003. She attended the grand
openings of the Lieberman regional campaign offices on Main Street in Nashua;
at One Wakefield Street in Rochester; and at 801 Islington Street in Portsmouth.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on the afternoon
and evening of August 31, 2003. He participated in a roundtable
discussion on healthcare at the Backroom Puritan Restaurant in Manchester;
watched the Red Sox-Yankees Game and picked the winner of the "See Joe's
Car & Go See Nomar" contest at Grand Slam Pizza Grill and Bar in Manchester;
and visited the Hopkinton Town Fair in Contoocock.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on August
18-20, 2003 in a "Joe's Jobs Tour" Working Vacation. (When he
wasn't making Joe's Jobs Tour stops, he spent time with his family in Wolfeboro
on Lake Winnipesaukee). At mid-day on August 18 he toured
the factory and met with employees at Noyes Fiber Systems in Belmont.
On August 19 he met with employees and area business leaders at
Mount Washington Valley Economic Council-The Technology Village in Conway;
and toured the factory and participated in a roundtable discussion with
employees at Hexaport, Inc. in Berlin. On August 20 he walked
down Main Street in Rochester with Mayor Walter Hoerman; discussed the
economy with Mayor Hoerman and city employees at City Hall; and spoke to
and meet with employees at Fisher Scientific in Hampton.
-Eddie Perez, Mayor of Hartford,
Connecticut, campaigned for Sen. Lieberman in Manchester, NH on
16, 2003. He met with Democratic activists and elected officials
at the Merrimack Restaurant; marched in the Latino Festival Parade; had
lunch with Alderman-at-large Mike Lopez and Latino activists at Theo's
Restaurant; and attended the Manchester Latino Festival at Veteran's Park.
-Hadassah Lieberman visited NH
14, 2003. She met with local Democratic activists at the home
of Lisa Jacobs in Windham; met with residents of Nashua Children's Home;
and met with local Democratic activists at the home of former Rep. Mary
Andosca in Nashua.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on August
8-11, 2003.
-Sen. Lieberman visited
on July 31-August 1, 2003, continuing his "Joe's Jobs Tour."
Starting out on the afternoon of July 31 he toured and made remarks at
the GlycoFi biotech lab in Lebanon; participated in a roundtable discussion
with warehouse distribution employees in Keene; visited the Cheshire County
Fair in Swanzey; and attended a house party at the home of State Rep. Bette
and Dr. Elliot Lasky in Nashua. On the morning of August 1 he visited
Central Firehouse in Manchester; and participated in an ed board at the
Concord Monitor.
-Sen. Lieberman's mother, Marcia
Lieberman, visited NH on July 23, 2003. She did three
events with seniors in Manchester, visiting seniors at the Kelivas Senior
HiRise; visiting a "meals on wheels" program site at Carpenter Senior Center;
and visiting seniors at Burns HiRise Senior Center.
-Sen. Lieberman, wife Hadassah, and son Matt visited
on July 3-7, 2003.
-Hadassah Lieberman visited
on June 10-11, 2003. On June 10 she visited seniors at St.
Joseph's Community Service Center in Manchester; toured the Cohen Center
for Holocaust Studies at Mason Library, Keene State College, attended a
reception in the dining commons at Keene State College; and attended a
house party at the home of Tony and Lois Roisman in Lyme. On June
11 she breakfasted with local activists at Mill City Cafe in Manchester
and visited the campaign's headquarters on Elm Street.
[-Sen. Lieberman had been scheduled
to visit NH on the morning and early afternoon of
May 23, 2003.
However on May 22 the campaign scratched the trip due to debate and voting
on the tax bill scheduled for the next day in the Senate. The schedule
had included meeting wih diners at Remember Then Diner in Rochester; a
visit Fecteau's Country Store in Epping; a visit to Ken-Mar in Salem; and
meeting with diners at Puritan Restaurant in Manchester].
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on
May 9, 2003.
He visited and met with diners at the Corner View Restaurant in Concord;
made remarks on his Declaration of Energy Independence at Don Weese's Complete
Auto Care/Mobil Station in Concord; visited and met with diners at The
Riverhouse Cafe in Milford; and visited and met with diners at the Peterborough
Diner in Peterborough.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on April 20-21,
2003. On the evening of April 20 he attended two separate house
parties in Manchester. On April 21 he spoke at the Politics &
Eggs Breakfast at C.R. Sparks Event Center in Bedford; visited a high school
social studies class at Pinkerton Academy in Derry; met with Derry Democratic
activists Maryanne's Diner in Derry; and addressed the Nashua Rotary Club
at Nashua Country Club.
-Hadassah Lieberman visited
on April 10-11, 2003, including meetings with state Reps. in Concord
and with UNH students in Durham.
-Sen. Lieberman visited
on March 27-28, 2003. Arriving early evening on March 27, he met
privately with supporters in Manchester. On March 28 he attended
a breakfast with veterans at Chez Vachon in Manchester; visited the Derry
Fire Station in Derry; and met privately with Mayor Bob Baines in Manchester.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on February 27-28,
2003. On February 27 he attended the NHDP reception and spoke
at the NHDP 100 Club Dinner at the Center of NH in Manchester. On
February 28 he attended a coffee reception at 900 Elm Street; toured Harvey
Industries; and attended a campaign event and campaigned with Tom Katsiantonis
at Grand Slam Pizza.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on January
22-23, 2003. (Note the first scheduled event, a planned meeting
with students at St. Anselm's College, was cancelled due to a change in
the Senate vote schedule). On January 22, Lieberman visited with
patrons and then met privately with a group of local Democratic activists
at Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester; met privately with a group of local
Democratic activists at Smith-Weiss, Shepard & Durmer in Nashua; and
attended a house party at the home of Mike Garafalo, chairman of the Salem
Democratic Town Committee, at his home in Salem. On January 23 he
spoke to members of the Portsmouth Sunrise Rotary Club at Redhook Brewery
at Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth and visited with patrons
and local Democratic activists at Caffenio Coffee Shop in Concord.
2002: 5 visits, 8 days.
-Hadassah Lieberman visited
on October 24, 2002. She toured Second Start (adult education
center) and did a roundtable discussion with Katrina Swett in Concord;
did a luncheon for Senate Democrats with state Sen. Sylvia Larsen at a
private home in Concord; visited Kiddie Corner Daycare and Learning Center
with Mark Fernald in Manchester; visited Puritan Ice Cream and Takeout
with state Rep. candidate Chris Pappas in Manchester; and did a reception
for Manchester City Democrats in Manchester.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on October
14-15, 2002. On October 14 he helped kick off Manchester
City Democrats canvassing at Democratic coordinated campaign headquarters
in Manchester; campaigned with 2nd district candidate for Congress Katrina
Swett at the NHDP regional office in Keene; walked through Claremont with
state Sen. George Disnard; campaigned with gubernatorial candidate Mark
Fernald at Dartmouth College in Hanover; and did a meet and greet with
Fernald and campaign volunteers at the NHDP regional office in Lebanon.
(House Democratic Leader Peter Burling accompanied Lieberman throughout
the day). On October 15 he did a breakfast fundraiser for the Nashua
City Democratic Committee at Daniel Webster College in Nashua.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on August
18, 2002. He had a busy day, starting out with three events in
Manchester: the Jewish Federation of Greater Manchester brunch, a drop
by at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Festival, and lunch with Manchester
City aldermen; he attended the Hillsborough County Democratic Picnic at
the home of Sen. Kathleen McLaughlin Peterson in Bedford; he and John Kacavas
were guest speakers at the Hampton, North Hampton, and Hampton Falls Dems
Picnic at Pitlochry Farms in Hampton Falls; and finally he wrapped up with
a fundraiser for the House Democratic Caucus (Strafford County House candidates)
in Barrington.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on June 2-3, 2002.
On June 2 he attended a Cheshire County Democratic Committee house party
($25 per person) at Jay Kahn's residence in Keene. On June 3 he attended
a NH DLC caucus coffee at the law offices of Wiggin & Nourie, LLP in
Manchester; visited Bakersville Elementary School in Manchester where he
toured the school, read to students and did a roundtable discussion; spoke
at a Nashua City Democratic Committee luncheon at the VFW post in Nashua;
did a small fundraiser for New Hampshire Democratic Party at Fratello's
Restaurant in Manchester; and went to the Coordinated Campaign headquarters
in Manchester and visited with their new canvassers.
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on March 17-18, 2002.
He began with a fundraiser for congressional candidate Martha Fuller Clark
at a private home in Rye Beach; followed by a roundtable with local activists
and Clark at Goldi's in Portsmouth; a house party at Donna Soucy's home
in Manchester; the Merrimack County Democrats St. Patrick's Day fundraising
dinner at the Cat 'N Fiddle in Concord (this was the highlighted event);
and finishing the evening at Wild Rover pub in Manchester. On March
18 he stopped by firehouse Station 7 in Manchester and did a high tech
small business event in Nashua.
2001: 1 visit, 2 days.
See this list with
Names Highlighted
More New Hampshire Activity Contributions by ROCPAC
**does not include $7,511.25 for "in-kind mailing" (10/8/02) ***Note there is a slight discrepancy. ROCPAC reported total contributions to candidates and committees of $729,878, while this tally shows $727,068. This does not include the two "in-kind mailings." And...
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.