Katrina Swett - 2002 Democratic nominee for the 2nd CD seat held by Rep. Charlie Bass (R); Joe 2004 National Co-chair. ...announced Feb. 27, 2003
Rep. Raymond Buckley - Vice Chair of the NHDP, chairman of the Manchester City Democrats, Democratic Whip. ...announced March 13, 2003
Rep. Lori Movsesian - State Representative from Nashua
Rep. Peter Sullivan - State Representative from Manchester; DLC State Leg Advisory Board
Donna Soucy - chair of Hillsborough County Democrats. Soucy is a Manchester fire commissioner and former Manchester alderman. ...reported by Union Leader's John DiStaso in March 27, 2003 "Granite Status"
C. Arthur Soucy - father of Donna Soucy. ...reported by Union Leader's John DiStaso in March 27, 2003 "Granite Status"
Jeff Woodburn - chair of the NHDP, 1997-99. After 2 years in the NH House Woodburn managed Dick Swett's 1990 congressional campaign and worked for him in Congress. He is president of Historic Properties and a resident of Pembroke.
Walter Hoerman - Mayor of Rochester.
Martin Gross - former mayor of Concord; attorney with Sulloway Hollis.
Kris Durmer - attorney in Nashua; Gore 2000 NH Counsel.
Paula Bradley - Former State Rep. from the North Country, Member NH Democratic Committee
Mike Garofalo - Salem Democratic Town Committee Chair
Elliot Lasky - Nashua City Democratic Committee Treasurer
Bob Shaine - Former Manchester City Alderman
Copyright © 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action