Friday, December 19, 2003
Lieberman Campaign Announces "Joe-Term"
More Than 100 Students Headed to the Granite State for Lieberman!
Manchester, NH - The Joe Lieberman for President Campaign today announced "Joe-Term" - a four-week campaign stint for students during the month of January modeled after the popular *Jan-Term session at many colleges and universities. During Joe-Term, more than 100 students from New Hampshire and across the country will join the Lieberman Campaign, where they will experience first hand the NH Primary and help elect Joe Lieberman the next President of the United States.
"We truly look forward to this dynamic group - students determined to elect Joe Lieberman President - joining us in the Granite State during Joe-Term," said Lieberman's NH State Director Peter Greenberger. "Students bring unique energy and perspective to a campaign - not to mention, now that 'A Joe-Vember to Remember' is over, well, frankly we need another shtick."
Joe-Term students begin arriving January 1 and stay through the end of the month. Students will participate in all facets of the campaign and work from regional offices as well as from Lieberman Campaign New Hampshire Headquarters in Manchester. A few lucky students may also get the opportunity to ride in a JoeMobile. The campaign will provide housing.
*NOTE: "Jan-Term" or "January-Term" is a four-week, "mini semester" many colleges and universities offer students during the month of January. Students usually choose between taking one intensive course on campus or doing an off-campus internship or study abroad program.
Joe-Term Students include:
Alex Gorodetsky, Exeter Academy
Alexa Milone, Salem HS
Ali Moller, Tufts University
Amin Barnes, Washington Colle, Buffalo State University
Andrew Beaton, Salem HS
Andrew Campbell, Harvard University
Ari Silberner, Plymouth State University
Ashley Brousseau, Salem HS
Becky Lockwood, New England College
Benjamin Phillips, Dartmouth College
Beth Moore, New England College
Bevin Nicasto, New England College
Bill Whelan, Harvard University
Brandi Hoffine, Claremont McKenna College
Brian Duguay, Pembroke Academy
Brian Gorman, University of Richmond
Carl Porter, Liberty College
Chad Kilgore, Gadsden High School
Charlton Dobson, Portsmouth HS
Chase Wilhelm, St. Louis University
Chloe Thurston, Johns Hopkins University
Christina Pond, Pembroke Academy
Cindy Smith, Portsmouth HS
Coogan Rencz, Brigham Young University
Courtney Gosselin, Boston College
Dan Sullivan, St. Anselm College
Dave O'Brien, Kennedy School of Government
Diana Drumm, Exeter Academy
Eddie Mota, University of Connecticut
Eliza Tebo, University of Arizona
Frances Sienicki, George Washington University
Genger Charles, Cornell University
Greg Gsell, University of Richmond
Heidi Tripp, University of New Hampshire
Janaki Umarvadia, George Washington University
Jane Skantze, Newfound Regional HS
Jenna Lee, Central HS
Jennifer Langer, University of New Hampshire
Jessica Garofalo, Salem HS
Jessica Lawson, Dartmouth College
Jessie Helwig, University of Delaware
John Gizuntermann, St. John's University Law School
Jordana Lewis, Harvard University
Josh Jacob, University of Hartford,
Josh Jacobs, Franklin Pierce College
Joshua Humphrey-Sewell, Parker Academy
Kabir Sehgal, Dartmouth College
Kaleigh Perreault, Salem HS
Kate Monninger, Smith College
Katelyn Sullivan, Hanover HS (MA)
Kelley Cole, Exeter HS
Kevin Sullivan, Hobart & William Smith College
Kristen Blair, Northeastern University
Kristen Flynn, Exeter HS
Layne Weiss, New England College
Madelaine Garant, Newfound Regional HS
Mandy LaFleur, New England College
Marc Grinberg, Princeton University
Mary Grimes, Pembroke Academy
Mary LaFleur, New England College
Matt Spielman, Oyster River Coop
Matt Tice, Souhegan High School
Matthew Slaine, Dartmouth College
Megan Murdough, Parker Academy
Michael Ritchie, Arizona State University
Michelle Nolan, Pinkerton Academy
Mike Mitchell, Suffolk University
Minety Abraham, Washington College
Nate Caro, Exeter Academy
Nathan Morin, Plymouth State University
Nick Panagopoulos, University of New Hampshire
Nick Perzanoski, Newfound Regional HS
Nicole Perlroth, Princeton University
Nicole Schwartzberg, Cornell University
Noah Gaspar, Cornell University
Rachel Factor, Exeter Academy
Rachel Scudder, University of New Hampshire
Rachel Smith, University of Massachusetts
Randolph Adler, St. John's University Law School
Rebecca Rubins, Harvard University
Rebecca Simon, University of California
Richard Wachtel, SUNY-Albany
RJ Petrillo, University of Las Vegas
Rob Kleinberg, University of Buffalo
Rob Schundler, Boston College
Ross Quient, California State University
Sabrina Petrillo, Community College of Southern Nevada
Sam Bieber, Darrow School
Samuel Copeland, University of Delaware
Sandy Kleinberg, Syracuse University
Sara Vink, Claremont McKenna College
Sean Kennedy, UC-Berkeley
Selina Taylor, University of New Hampshire
Seth Izen, Gann Academy
Stacey Baird, Smith College
Stella Lee, Dartmouth College
Stephen Scriber, Amherst College
Steven Kamara, Princeton University
Sung Kim, University of Delaware
Ted Silverman, Brandeis University
Tim Murphy, Johns Hopkins University
Tom Mullane, University of New England
Zack Morin, St. Mary's University
Brendan Carroll, Harvard Business School
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