Fourth Quarter 2003 Campaign Finances
- Summary
Cash On Hand
(at beginning of reporting
Debts+Obligations |
Total Receipts
Total Disbursements
Cash On Hand
(at end of reporting period)
'04 |
for President, Inc. |
for America |
for President, Inc. |
for President Inc. |
Graham for President Inc |
Kerry for President Inc |
GELAC Fund |
for President Committee |
Lieberman for President, Inc. |
Moseley Braun for President |
2004 |
$171,060.12 |
$348,450.57 |
*Kerry figure includes $2,887,965.80
**Kucinich figure includes
$1,500,000 loan.
Debts+Obligations is the
net figure (i.e. Debts and Obligations Owed By the Committee - Debts and
Obligations Owed To the Committee).
Fourth Quarter 2003 - Ranked
Top Fundraising
(Total Receipts) |
Top Spending
(Total Disbursements) |
1. Bush-Cheney '04 |
1. Bush-Cheney '04 |
2. Dean for America |
2. Dean for America |
3. Clark for President,
Inc. |
3. John Kerry for President,
Inc. |
4. |
4. Clark for President,
Inc. |
5. |
5. Gephardt for President,
Inc. |
6. |
6. Edwards for President,
Inc. |
7. |
7. Joe Lieberman for President,
Inc. |
8. |
8. Kucinich for President
Committee |
9. |
9. Bob Graham for President,
Inc. |
10. |
10. Carol Moseley Braun
for President |
11. |
11. Sharpton 2004 |
4th Q 2003:
The campaign rased $47 million in contributions from 288,000 contributors
of whom 232,000 were new contributors (did not contribute in the second
or third quarters). The campaign reported $32 million was raised
through events, $14 million with direct mail, and $1 million online.
Average contribution for the quarter was $146. During the 4th Quarter,
President Bush did 19 fundraising events, Vice President Cheney 15, First
Lady Laura Bush 6, Lynne Cheney 3, and Commerce Secretary Don Evans 4.
Year End 2003: The
campaign raised $130 million from 494,000 contributors. The campaign
reported $100 million was raised through events, $27 million with direct
mail/phones, and $3 million online. Average contribution was $211.
The campaign finished the year with $99 million in cash on hand.
For the year 2003, President Bush did 42 fundraising events, Vice President
Cheney 34, First Lady Laura Bush 13, Lynne Cheney 3, and Commerce Secretary
Don Evans 4.
4th Quarter 2003:
On November 8, 2003 Dean announced that Dean for America would not accept
public matching funds. The announcement came following a two-day
vote among his supporters. Dean announced the vote in a speech
at Cooper Union on November 6. The campaign e-mailed,
and even sent letters to over 600,000 supporters to encourage the vote.
104,746 supporters voted and 89,533 of them, or 85 percent, said the campaign
should forgo matching funds. (Never missing an opportunity, Dean
for America also took in $5.3 million in contributions and pledges during
the two days). Not content to merely announce the outcome, Dean for
America held a ceremony at the University of Vermont at which Dean and
seven supporters from around the country signed a "Declaration
of Independence by the People of Dean for America."
Sen. Graham ended his campaign on October 6.
4th Q 2003:
--On November 14, 2003 Sen.
Kerry announced
his decision to forgo federal matching funds.
--On December 18, 2003 Campaign
Manager Mary Beth Cahill issued this statement:
“Senator Kerry has fulfilled
his promise to invest in his own campaign. This is a clear statement
by John Kerry – he is in the race to win the nomination and defeat George
“Over the last week, Senator
Kerry has initially loaned his presidential campaign $850,000 from his
personal credit.
“Additionally, he is in the
process of obtaining a personal loan secured by the family home in Boston.
When the details are finalized, our campaign will disclose the appropriate
“Senator Kerry will keep
all his options open under the law on further funding of the campaign.”
--On December 24, 2003 the
campaign announced in a statement from Campaign Manager Mary Beth Cahill,
"Senator John Kerry has finalized plans to loan his presidential campaign
over $6 million. The personal loan was secured through a mortgage
on his share of the family's home in Boston."
--The FEC report shows four
lines of credit. $500,000 (12/12), $350,000 (12/15), $250,000 (12/19)
and $290,4870.35 (12/24), for a total amount of $4,004,870.25. The
first three were repaid through proceeds of 12/24/2003 loan.
On December 18, 2003 the
campaign took out a loan of $1,500,000 from the Fifth Third Bank.
Terms are a 5.25% interest rate, payable on June 30, 2004; the campaign
pledged a cash deposit of $300,000.00 and future matching funds as collateral.
Moseley Braun:
Sharpton: |