Visits by Candidates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-Gov. Dean visited NH on October 31, 2003. He addressed the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham; did lunch at Julie's Cafeteria at New Hampshire Community Technical College in Portsmouth; attended a reception with SEIU members at SEIU Local 1984 in Concord; and attended a campaign Halloween Party at the New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester. -Sen. Kerry plans to visit NH on October 30, 2003. He visited Salem Haven, a senior housing facility in Salem; did a downtown walk with candidate for Mayor Steve Bolton in Nashua; and did a downtown walk in Portsmouth. -Gen. Clark visited NH on October 29, 2003. He held a "Conversations with Clark" on health care at SeaCare Health Services in Exeter; and participated in the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham. -Sen. Kerry visited NH on the evening of October 28, 2003. He did house parties at the home of Bill and Carol Verge in Plaistow; and Rep. Kim and Jackson Casey in East Kingston. -Gen. Clark visited NH late morning on October 28, 2003. He delivered a major policy speech on health care, third of four New American Patriotism speeches, at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Overnight in New York. -Sen. Lieberman visited NH on October 27-28, 2003 as part of his ongoing "Leading with Integrity" tour; he traveled on board the "Integity One WinnebaJoe." Starting at mid-day on October 27 he spoke and answered questions at the Rochester Rotary Club; participated in the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham; and spoke and answered questions at the Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College in Goffstown. On October 28 he spoke and answered questions before the Concord Chamber of Commerce at the Holiday Inn in Concord; participated in a candidate forum at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon; attended the grand opening of the campaign's regional office at on West Park Street in Lebanon;and visited Caesario's Pizza on Elm St in Manchester before heading back to Washington for a vote on the McCain-Lieberman climate protection act. -Rep. Kucinich visited NH on October 27-28, 2003. On October 27 after arriving at Manchester airport and settling in, he visited the Greater Manchester Assistance Program on Pearl Street in Manchester; then proceeded to Concord where he received the endorsement of Guy Chichester and NH Greens in press conference behind the State House; did a downtown store walk starting at the Concord Food Co-op on So. Main Street; met with SEIU members at the union's headquarters in Concord; had private dinner with John Rigazio and others; and did an interview with NEA NH committee members. On October 28 he spoke at the Politics & Eggs breakfast at the Bedford Inn in Bedford; spoke to Gretchen Dunn's class at Mont Vernon Kindergarten in Mont Vernon; spoke to Prof. Dale Kuehne's Intro to Politics class, then had lunch with members of Student Union and various faculty at St. Anselm College in Manchester. -Gov. Dean visited NH on October 25, 2003. He addressed the AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield; attended the campaign's Concord Regional Organizing Convention (ROC) kickoff at Rundlett Middle School; attended the Keene Pumpkin Festival; and attended a house party at the home of Katherine and Dennis Mead in Swanzey. -Rep. Kucinich visited NH on October 24-25, 2003. After arriving in Durham by train early on the afternoon of October 24 he held a press conference at the Sheraton Harborside in Portsmouth to discuss the actions his campaign is taking in response to Dean's ad "Iraq;" spoke to residents at the Riverwood Retirement Center in Exeter; talked to youth at the New Outlook Teen Center in Exeter and then met for a private talk with a group of student activists and campus journalists; celebrated the grand opening of the campaign's Portsmouth office on Daniel Street; and spoke at a candidate public forum at Phillips Exeter Academy. On October 25 he participated in the candidate forum at the AFL-CIO convention at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield; spoke to Franklin City Democrats at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Franklin and afterwards there did an inteview with the Laconia Evening Citizen; and spoke at a wine and cheese fundraiser for the Sullivan County Democrats at Newport Senior Center. (Overnighted in Manchester; morning flight to Detroit). -Sen. Kerry visited NH on October 24-25, 2003. Starting on the afternoon of October 24 he held a press conference on taking on corporate greed in front of Tyco International Ltd.’s former office park in Exeter; attended a house party at the home of Sen. Lou and Pat D’Allesandro in Manchester; and attended a house party at the home of Gale and James Taylor in Merrimack. On October 25 he attended the AFL-CIO convention at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield; and attended a house party at the home of Bob and Debra Ashton in Hanover. -Gen. Clark visited NH on October 23-25, 2003. At mid-day on October 23 he toured Concord High School, listened to students, and dedicated the school seal (this event was designed to accomodate Clark's laryngitis and replaced a previously scheduled event); in the evening he attended the NHDP's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester. Late on the morning of October 24 he visited Wonder Years Learning Center in Salem. Early on the morning of October 25 he joined local supporters, staff and leaders in opening the Clark for President headquarters at 60 Rogers Street in Manchester; and appeared at the New Hampshire AFL-CIO forum at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield. -Rep. Kucinich visited NH on October 22, 2003. He stopped at The Way Home housing assistance program in Manchester; visited Concord High School, where he he met up with Jonathon Meier, who is walking across the country to show his support for Kucinich; did a walk in Wolfeboro; a town hall meeting at the Majestic Theater in Conway; and fundraiser at the Flatbread Company Restaurant in North Conway. -Gen. Clark visited NH on October 21-22, 2003. At mid-day on October 21 he visited local businesses on Main Street in Nashua accompanied by local businessmen James Steiner and David Pastor. Later he did some private meetings. On October 22 he delivered a major policy speech on the economy, "Saving for America's Future" (second of four New American Patriotism speeches), at the University of New Hampshire in Manchester. Overnight outside of New Hampshire. -Sen. Kerry visited NH on October 21, 2003. He spoke on creating manufacturing jobs at National Aperture in Salem; and did a downtown businesses walk in Manchester with Mayor Bob Baines. -Sen. Kerry visited NH on the afternoon of October 20, 2003. He did an ed board at the Nashua Telegraph; spoke at the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham; and delivered a major policy address on the environment at Thompson Lawn at UNH. [He then headed to events in Massachusetts] -Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 19-20,
2003, launching what was billed as a week-long "National Check Up Tour"
designed "to diagnose President Bush's failing record on health care and
to highlight his own prescriptions to make the health care system work
for everyone."
-Gov. Dean visited NH on October 19, 2003. He attended a meet the candidate breakfast at the Elks Club in Dover; attended church service at the New Hope Baptist Church in Portsmouth; attended a town hall meeting on the economy at Timberlane Regional High School in Plaistow; and addressed the Granite State Organizing Project at the Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College in Manchester. -Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 14, 2003. In the morning he appeared on NHPR's "The Exchange;" held a town hall meeting with students at Concord High School; held a workplace town hall meeting at Yankee Book Peddler in Contoocook; did an ed board with the Nashua Telegraph; in the evening he held a town hall meeting at Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center in Claremont; and held a town hall meeting at Dartmouth University in Hanover. -Sen. Lieberman visited NH on October 13, 2003 as part of his weeklong "Leading with Integrity" tour. He visited Timoleon's Diner in Keene; traveled from Keene to Manchester on the "WinnebaJoe;" delivered a major speech on his vision for the country at Arms Park in Manchester; and traveled to Boston's Logan Airport on the "WinnebaJoe." -Rep. Kucinich spoke at New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester, NH on October 13, 2003 as part of his announcement tour. It was a very quick trip following upon stops in Cleveland and Detroit; he then proceeded to Madison, WI. -Sen. Kerry visited NH from
October 10-14,
-Pres. Bush visited NH on October 9, 2003. He spoke to National Guard and reservists at Pease International Tradeport; stopped in at Caesario's, a pizza parlor on Elm Street in Manchester; and spoke to about 600 at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester. -Gov. Dean visited NH on October 6-7, 2003. On October 6 he did a meet the candidate event at the Earl Borden Senior Center in Claremont; did a rally and voter registration drive at Keene State College; rallied in the Memorial Union building at UNH in Durham; attended a house party at the residence of Paul Leblanc and Pat Findlen in Manchester; and attended a house party at the residence of Chris and Lisa O'Neill in Derry. On October 7 he breakfasted at Great Falls Grill in Somersworth; and discussed early childhood education at New Hampshire Tech. Institute's Child and Family Development Center in Concord. -Sen. Edwards visited NH on October 5-6, 2003, kicking off a "Work Week" focusing on the recession and jobs proposals. On October 5 he met with area voters at The Big Bean in Newmarket; held a town hall meeting at The Bandstand in Hampton Falls; visited the Annual Apple Festival at Monument Square in Hollis; visited the Lull Farm in Hollis; held a town hall meeting at Londonderry High School; and held a town hall meeting in the Food Court at UNH's Memorial Union building in Durham. On October 6 he met with area voters at Great Falls Grill in Somersworth; held a town hall meeting in the cafeteria at NH Community Technical College in Stratham; held a workplace town hall meeting at CCA Global Partners in Manchester; met with area voters at Favorite's Family Restaurant in Franklin; and held a town hall meeting at Pease Public Library in Plymouth. -Sen. Lieberman attended church services and addressed
the congregation at New Hope Baptist Church in Portsmouth,
NH on
5, 2003.
of Visits during the Third Quarter of 2003 >>
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.