Visits by Candidates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-Gov. Dean visited NH on November 30, 2003. He held a town hall meeting at Merrimack High School cafeteria in Merrimack; held a town hall meeting at The Alpine Club in Manchester; attended a house party at the home of of Polly and Terry Shumaker in Bow; held a town hall meeting at The Wolfeboro Inn ballroom in Wolfeboro; and held a town hall meeting at Laconia High School gymnasium in Laconia. -Sen. Edwards visited NH on November 29, 2003. He walked in the Derry parade and kicked-off his holiday toy drive starting at the corner of Griffin St. and W. Broadway in Derry; attended a holiday open house at the home of Carolyn and Randy Werner in Derry; attended a holiday open house at his Manchester headquarters on Elm Street; attended a holiday open house at his Nashua office and walked through downtown Nashua; and visited with area voters at Oliver's Restaurant in Tilton. (Edwards left on the morning of Nov. 30; he had no events). -Rep. Kucinich is scheduled to visit NH on November 28-29, 2003. Starting on the afternoon of November 28 he plans to visit the BookEnds Bookstore in Warner; and attend a house party at the home of Laura Foley in Cornish (Foley, Claremont Selectperson Bill Gallagher and Sally Wellborn). On the morning of November 29 in Hanover he plans to breakfast at Lou's Restaurant; visit the Wheelock Terrace Assisted Living Home and meet with residents; and speak at the Kendal Retirement Community. -Sen. Kerry is visiting NH on November 28, 2003. He did community service work at the soon-to-be-opened Liberty House Veterans Shelter in Manchester; and shopped for Toys for Tots at the Mall of New Hamsphire in Manchester; and shopped at Fox Run Mall in Newington. -Sen. Lieberman visited Manchester, NH on the morning of November 28, 2003. He met with locals at Chez Vachon; and discussed his middle class tax plan at Sully's Superette. -Gen. Clark visited Manchester, NH on November 26, 2003. He held a "Conversations with Clark" with veterans and residents and collected clothing for injured soldiers at VFW Post 8214; and held a "Conversations with Clark: First Vote Forum" in the library at Memorial High School. -Sen. Kerry visited NH on November 21-22, 2003. On November 21 he spoke on "100 Days to Change America" at Concord High School; filed to appear on the New Hampshire ballot at the Secretary of State's office in Concord and kicked off the "Real Deal Express" bus tour; attended a chili feed at Weirs Firehouse in Laconia; and attended a chili feed at Lebanon Firehouse. On November 22 he did a pancake breakfast at Waldron Towers in Dover; and attended a chili feed at Berlin Firehouse. -Rep. Kucinich filed at the Secretary of State's office in Concord, NH at 1 p.m. on November 21, 2003; he then returned to Washington, DC. -Gov. Dean visited NH on
November 20-21,
-Sen. Kerry visited NH on November 18, 2003. He participated in the AARP candidates forum at Wayfarer Inn in Bedford; and attended a chili feed at Hampton Fire House in Hampton. -Gov. Dean participated in the AARP forum at Wayfarer Inn in Bedford, NH on November 18, 2003. -Sen. Edwards visited NH on November 18, 2003, emphasizing American Education Week. He participated in the AARP candidate forum at the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford; held a workplace town hall meeting at Southeastern Container, Inc. in Hudson; held a workplace town hall meeting at Fisher Scientific in Hampton; and held a town hall meeting at the home of Sen. Lou D'Allesandro in Manchester. -Rep. Gephardt visited NH on November 18, 2003. He participated in an economic roundtable with local workers at the Rochester College of Lifelong Learning; and participated in the AARP forum at Wayfarer Inn in Bedford. -Gen. Clark visited NH on November 17-18, 2003. On the evening of November 17 he attended a house party in Dublin. On November 18 he addressed the Politics and Eggs Breakfast at Bedford Village Inn; participated in the AARP forum at Wayfarer Inn in Bedford; held a "Conversations with Clark" at the VFW in Concord; and held a town hall meeting at Plymouth State University. -Amb. Moseley Braun visited NH on November 16-17, 2003. On November 16 she did a town hall meeting at Phillips Exeter Academy and a meet and greet at a private home in Exeter. On November 17 she addressed the Politics and Eggs breakfast at Bedford Village Inn in Bedford. -Sen. Lieberman visited NH
16-18, 2003.
-Gen. Clark visited NH on November 13-14, 2003. On November 13 he did a downtown walk in Portsmouth; a "Conversations with Clark" at Dolphin Striker Restaurant in Portsmouth; and attended the Merrimack County Democratic Harvest Dinner at Old Town Hall in Bow. At 8:30 a.m. on the morning of November 14 he filed at the Secretary of State's office in the Statehouse building in Concord. -Gov. Dean visited NH on November 13, 2003. He unveiled his higher education policy at Dartmouth College in Hanover; at 12:30 p.m. officially filed his declaration of candidacy for the New Hampshire primary at the Department of State's office in the State House building and spoke to supporters on the State House steps in Concord; and held a town hall meeting on education at Winnacunnett High School Gymnasium in Hampton. -Sen. Kerry visited NH on November 12-13, 2003. On November 12 he did a nature walk along the Merrimack River with New Hampshire environmental leaders starting near St. Francis of Assisi Church and School off Charles Bancroft Highway in the Litchfield (greater Manchester) area; appeared on the Dan Pierce Show on WGIR Radio in Manchester; and did meet and greet on Elm Street in Manchester. On November 13 he held a press conference on clean air and energy efficiency at Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord; and did meet and greet at Veano’s Italian Kitchen in Manchester. -Gen. Clark visited NH on
November 11-12,
-Sen. Lieberman visited NH on November 9-10, 2003 continuing the campaign's "Operation Liebermania Part II: A Joe-Vember to Remember." On November 9 he canvassed with volunteers in Rochester; held a town hall meeting at Daniel Webster College in Nashua; and attended a house party at the home of Randall Carmel in Keene. On November 10 he visited with patrons at Lindy's Diner in Keene; and unveiled his plan on long term care at the Havenwood Senior Home in Concord. -Sen. Edwards brought the "Real Solutions Express"
back to NH on a four-day "Plan for Change" bus trip with wife Elizabeth
on November 5-8, 2003.
-Sen. Kerry visited NH on November 5-6
and 7-8, 2003.
-Gov. Dean visited NH on November 6-7, 2003. On the evening of November 6 he held a town hall meeting with undecided voters at Daniel Webster College in Nashua; on the morning of November 7 he addressed students in the auditorium at Central High School in Manchester. -Rep. Kucinich participated in Planned Parenthood's Presidential Candidates Forum on Women's Issues at the Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn in Manchester, NH on November 5, 2003. -Amb. Moseley Braun visited NH on November 5, 2003. She participated in a town hall forum at New England College in Henniker; and participated in Planned Parenthood's Presidential Candidates Forum on Women's Issues at the Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn in Manchester. -Gov. Dean visited NH on the evening of November 5, 2003. He attended a Meetup at Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester; and attended the Planned Parenthood forum at the Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn in Manchester. -Gen. Clark visited NH on November 5, 2003. He appeared on New Hampshire Public Radio's "The Exchange" in Concord; did an ed. board at the Concord Monitor; participated in a live- web chat hosted by the Concord Monitor and; announced his New Hampshire Leadership team at New Hampshire Political Library in Concord; and participated in the Presidential Candidate Forum on women’s issues sponsored by Planned Parenthood at the Center of New Hamsphire Holiday Inn in Manchester. -Sen. Lieberman arrived in NH on the evening
of November 4 after the "America Rocks the Vote" forum in Boston; on the
morning of November 5 he did a town hall with workers at BAE Systems
in Nashua.
-Amb. Moseley Braun visited NH on November 3, 2003. She participated in the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham; participated in a town hall forum at Fisher Scientific in Hampton; and attended a fundraiser at a private home on Newfields. -Rep. Kucinich visited NH on November 3, 2003. Starting on the afternoon of November 3 he participated in the Every Child Matters Candidate Forum at Huddleston Hall at UNH in Durham; held a town hall meeting at Franklin Pierce College in Rindge; and held a town hall meeting with Mothers Uniting, a group formed in response to the invasion of Iraq, at Unitarian Church in Keene. The planned schedule for November 4 was cancelled when he had to return to Cleveland; he had planned to appear on Laura Knoy's "The Exchange" on NHPR in Concord; at 10:00 to 10:15 to file at the State House; do an online chat; and to hold a town hall session at New England College in Henniker. -Gen. Clark visited NH on November 3-4, 2003. On the afternoon and evening of November 3 he did three events in Keene, a "Wireside Chat" at Keene State College (a live half-hour online chat during which he answered questions from supporters at the campaign website); dinner with New Hampshire first responders and families at the Pub Restaurant; and, joined by son Wes Clark Jr., a 33 year old screenwriter from L.A., he did a Conversation with Clark, taking questions from students at Keene State College. On the morning of November 4 he campaigned with Nashua Mayoral candidate Steve Bolton at Ledge Street Elementary School in Nashua. [He then headed to Boston for the Rock the Vote forum]. -Rep. Gephardt visited NH on November
3, 2003. He addressed seniors at Langdon Place Senior Center
in Exeter; addressed the Every Child Matters Forum at Huddleston Hall at
UNH in Durham; address supporters and local voters at Green Street Community
Theater in Concord; at 12:45 p.m. became the first major candidate to file
to run in the Democratic primary at Department of State's office in the
Statehouse building in Concord; and joined Nashua Democratic mayoral candidate
Steve Bolton and campaigned with him downtown on Main St in Nashua.
[He then headed to events in Mass.]
of Visits during the Third Quarter of 2003 >>
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.