The Food Corner
Do you have a good story or photo about the 2004 campaign and food?  Submissions are encouraged: action at

A Diet for Democrats
The Vegan Candidate..."He not only believes in sustainability, he practices it."

The Bets are On
In a Familiar Setting
A Blog..."Foodies for Dean"
Stylish Shopper...Suit and tie recommended.
Junk Food
Mad Cow...Several of the candidates responded to the discovery of a case of mad cow disease in Washington State.
To Boldly Go...What's in that refrigerator?

The President, Vice President, Congressional leaders and 200 other invited guests
When in Wisconsin, Cheese
Wendy's for an Appetizer

And would you prefer hamburgers or hotdogs...?
Tuna Sandwiches for Lunch
Pancakes for Breakfast
Chili Anyone?
Thanksgiving Turkey
Thanksgiving Treat
Cheesesteak Proves a Mouthful
A Bold Choice
Eight Hundred Pounds of Whiting

Getting the Cookies on the Map
Fortune Cookie
Family Circle's "Election Cookie Cook-Off!"...A Contrast in Styles.
"Bake Back the White House"
Electronic Bake Sale...secret pie recipe revealed.
Caucus Cookies
Chocolate Powered
Watch that Waistline
More Pie...Position statements, flyers, news clips, and...a pie recipe.
Ice Cream...Fanciful Flavors.

Breads and Bakery
Recipe for Choice
Donut Primary
An Oldtime Classic--The Waffle

How Much is that Lemonade?!
"The Tea is in the Harbor"...Not Quite the Second American Revolution.

Sponsorship Deal?...Dean Campaign Manager Joe Trippi has a thing for Diet Pepsi.

Sauces, Condiments, and Flavorings
Governor's Choice...Spicing up the Democratic Convention.
Peanut Butter...Another Era.
Barbeque Sauce..."Ask Chrissy"
Special Recipe Barbeque Sauce..."Good Enough for the White House"

Sweetening the Message
The Deep Fried Oreo and Other Fair Fare

Commercial Corner

also see this article: Marian Burros.  "For Teresa Heinz Kerry, Food Is Personal and Political."  New York Times, October 13, 2004.

provenance uncertain: Recipe from Laura Bush

Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.